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V3 questions

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A spontaneous conception after years of rollin'!
Rock on!


--- Quote from: Gutbucket on December 08, 2021, 04:56:14 PM ---
Main thing to know about is a detail about the power input.  The center split-pin of the power cable will at some point become slightly loose in its contact socket.  When that occurs, screwing down the connector more firmly actually aggravates the power-intermittency problem rather than helping to eliminate it, because doing so centers the center pin more perfectly in its loose contact socket.  The fix is to gently spread the split pin a bit to achieve good contact again.  It will then, in my experience, work fine for many years.  If that were to ever occur in the field while recording where you need to remedy it ASAP, loosen the connector slightly and gaff tape the cable so that it pulls to one side slightly instead of being perfectly centered and the preamp should run fine the remainder of the night.

--- End quote ---

An option that I learned about here to deal with that is to place a small piece of rubber in the split of the pin (a small snip of a rubber band, or heat shrink) which helps maintain contact.   Once I did that and kept the power cord attached, never had a problem.

20 years isn't old for well-designed, well-made equipment. I'm still very fond of my V3. The ultra-low distortion, the low-cut options, the high input impedance and input headroom, the predictable and repeatable gain settings, the metering--all are just about perfect for me / the type of recording that I do / the mikes that I use.

A few years back I bought a Sound Devices MixPre-D to replace it--smaller and of more recent design--but I just couldn't "feel" it, and I never used it. Plus if I recall correctly, it had a somewhat awkwardly large amount of gain in its input stage and might sometimes have needed external pads at the inputs. That's sad when the first thing after those pads is a pair of built-in step-up transformers! It just gave me a less than ideal feeling, whereas the V3 gives me no bad feelings of any kind.

That said, for purely analog situations I have a Sound Devices MP-2 that also gives me no bad feelings of any kind, and I appreciate that it's so small and can run on internal batteries for hours. It's just for a different application, is all.

Chilly Brioschi:
 The "feel" of electronics.
I know exactly what you mean.
Logarithmic vs. linear controls, and different gradients, taboot !
The physical, tactile feel of smoothness, resistance, and glide that represents quality and engineering of detail.

But most of all, and this lives in the land of M.A.SH. Army surplus radio...
There is nothing that models a vintage radio weighted (as in flywheel) tuning knob
Collins, National, Hammerlund, ...those old girls had serious knob feel !


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