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RE: metarecorder

any experience with CAF ? just wondering if its widely supported in DAW like audacity or similar (PC user)

With metarecorder I always use CAF recording at 96 kHz from a DPA MMA-A, because my files generally run 3-7 hours (the iPhone battery limits me to 9-10 hours, but I've never run that long).  Audacity will let me split CAF files into smaller (< 4G) files that can be exported as 96 kHz .wav files. My editing programs (older
Wavelab, iZotope Rx) will not handle CAF directly.

If you try to record broadcast wav and it runs over 2GB the recording will just stop and you'll lose the later material.


I tried using metarecorder with my mma-a last night at goose, 96/24 CAF, and it stopped recording at about an hour and 3 minutes.  Is this a known bug, or did I screw something up?


--- Quote from: grawk on March 08, 2022, 01:26:50 PM ---I tried using metarecorder with my mma-a last night at goose, 96/24 CAF, and it stopped recording at about an hour and 3 minutes.  Is this a known bug, or did I screw something up?

--- End quote ---

I think that 1 hr. 3 min. is likely the time it gets to 2GB at 24/96 which is what most recorders use as a max file size. In handheld recorders, it usually automatically starts a new file, but not sure that happens in metarecorder. I would start looking there.

Fatah Ruark (aka MIKE B):
With CAF it should keep going after 2GB, so not sure what happened. You can always back it down to 24/48 to reduce the chance of making it to 2GB.

Probably a good idea to run some tests prior to your next show. Let us know what you find if you do. I love the idea of such a small stealth setup, but I'm still not 100% comfortable with reliability. I'd really like to get to the point where I can just get wired up, fire up the recording 15 minutes before the band comes on and just know I'm going to have a good recording once the show is over.


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