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HRT music streamer 2 bass response

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Thank you Dynek. I THINK that I may now have found out what may have been causing the problem. On my Dell laptop there is something called Maxxaudio. This is a piece of software which is supposed to enhance the sound quality on laptop speakers and is, I believe only found on Dell laptops.

Now, my understanding was that if you were using an external soundcard, it (the external DAC) would not be affected by such software. I note that my computer lists the HRT Streamer as a 'speaker', so I am wondering if it (Maxaudio) is effectively working as an equalizer on the digital signals sent to my Music Streamer.
Here is a link to a set of instructions that explains how to disable Maxaudio.

One problem is that, because the laptop isn't actually mine but belongs to my place of work, I can't disable it myself. But a friendly chat with our IT manager might solve all that. Another problem is that, unless I've misunderstood what I've read, other people claim that Maxaudio reinstalls itself sometime after you've uninstalled it.

Justy Gyee:
id check windows too.
right click the speaker icon on the toolbar.
then sounds
under playback, check the "HRT streamer"
then properties
click the then Enhancement tabs
check for anything check marked there

Hello Justy Gyee, thanks for your suggestion. I am pretty sure that I have already done this. I think what I need to do is to purchase a powered hub as I understand that this enhances the performance of the HRT Music Streamer on many machines. I will then go back to using my original laptop as this isn't a Dell.


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