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Author Topic: Advice for stadium recording  (Read 8939 times)

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Offline goodcooker

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2024, 03:10:08 PM »
shotgun mics pointed at the sound source

Did you bother to read the thread at all? He's going to Wembley Stadium and has to sneak in gear. Pretty sure shotgun mics aren't going to be the solution here.

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Offline robeti

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2024, 04:40:36 PM »
shotgun mics pointed at the sound source

Did you bother to read the thread at all? He's going to Wembley Stadium and has to sneak in gear. Pretty sure shotgun mics aren't going to be the solution here.

I agree. Except maybe mini shotgun mics from the At-853 series.
But I would opt for hypers instead of shotgun mics anyway.
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2024, 05:55:14 PM »
The one bit of advice I have regardless of gear is to practice and know your gear whatever it is.  Trying to record a stadium show the first time out isn't likely to yield much of a recording.  Maybe go to an event at the venue to test security, practice rigging up, stealth a show.  Years ago I lent a rig to someone who wanted to record U2.  I kept telling him to do his homework and he got as far setting it up once.  After the show he messages me saying his batteries were bad and recorder wouldn't turn on.  I said was it on hold and he asks what's hold.  He looks at recorder and he accidently turned on the hold.

Offline tjj5036

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2024, 06:40:47 PM »
Stadium shows, nosebleed seats, and quality tapes are three things that historically don't pair well together. Best bet for stealth is to get a set of cardiods and point them to a repeater stack and hope that it's not a windy day.
Bay Area taper that runs . Please get in touch if you have any Rage recordings or know anyone that taped Rage! Always happy to tape a Bay Area show, get in touch if you want someone taped!

Mics: MK4s, AT853s, CA-14s/CA-11s
Battery/Pre: NBox+, Babynbox, SP-SPSB-10, CA-9200, Naiant Littlebox
Recorder: PCM-A10, Marantz PMD 661
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Offline robeti

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2024, 07:08:03 PM »
Stadium shows, nosebleed seats, and quality tapes are three things that historically don't pair well together. Best bet for stealth is to get a set of cardiods and point them to a repeater stack and hope that it's not a windy day.

I pulled very good sounding tapes this way. Hypers pointed at repeaterstacks in the nosebleeds.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 12:23:12 PM by robeti »
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
video panasonic zs100 | panasonic hdc-sd600 | sony hx9v | sony hx50v | samsung s23 ultra
playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II

Offline robeti

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2024, 08:28:39 AM »
Both Dublin shows will be proshot.
mics schoeps mk22/mk4/mk41 (matched) | nakamichi cm-300 (JB mod/cp1/cp2/cp3) | nakamichi cm-50 (JB mod/cp3) | primo em4052pmi4's (JB mod) | sp-cmc-4u/at-853 4.7k mod (shotguns/h/c/sc) | ca-11 c/o
power ca-ubb | ca-9200 | nbob actives > baby nbox | riot-box | schoeps cmbi (pair)
recorder roland r-05 
video panasonic zs100 | panasonic hdc-sd600 | sony hx9v | sony hx50v | samsung s23 ultra
playback fiio m17
headphones final d8000 | sony wh-1000xm3 | beyerdynamic dt770 pro | akg k271 mk II

Offline CelestialSunrise03

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2025, 12:29:03 PM »
Both Dublin shows will be proshot.

Yes I heard that people were asked whether they were okay with being filmed, I imagine all the gigs will be multitracked in some capacity if just for the screens but whether we get to see/hear them is a different thing all together

Offline CelestialSunrise03

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2025, 12:38:46 PM »
Stadium shows, nosebleed seats, and quality tapes are three things that historically don't pair well together. Best bet for stealth is to get a set of cardiods and point them to a repeater stack and hope that it's not a windy day.

From the pictures I've seen one of the hanging speakers is pointing towards my section so I might be able to get a decent sound, but what is genuinely quite galling is that you sometimes get what I presume are phone recordings that are genuinely listenable from dizzying heights in a stadium, so that is an avenue I could consider if all else fails but thank you for the recommendations for a cardiod mic. 

Offline opsopcopolis

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Re: Advice for stadium recording
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2025, 05:14:39 PM »
I agree with above - it probably won’t be good regardless of approach, but if you are just looking for a personal memento/record of your personal experience, you could use a pair of binaural microphones that could pass as headphones.

I’d imagine the security at Wembly will be strict but a smartphone and a headset are rarely prohibited.
My iPhone and Sennheiser Ambeo headset have never raised an eyebrow.

Thank you i don't know what your experiences are but none of the shows I go to get taped, which is a bit annoying as it would mean a lot to be able to relive that experience

If its Oasis, the shows will be recorded.

Definitely. I'm considering not even bothering for the Rose Bowl since I'm so confident it will be taped, but who am I kidding... I'll do it anyway


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