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Foobar & File Integrity?

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There appears to have been a file integrity component that stopped being used when 2.0 rolled out. Am I correct to presume that if I load files into Foobar I will be notified if they are bad or do I actually need to PLAY the file? Is there a component that I can add where I can right-click many loaded files and have Foobar check the file integrity?

I ask because TLH says all the high-res albums I have fail integrity checks but they play fine in Foobar. Mediainfo also reads them fine and if something is corrupt it would not load file info.

I think there is a version of FLAC.exe that was showing errors on 24 bit files. You might want to be sure TLH is using the most current version of FLAC.

^ I think you are right. The latest update of xACT, from October, was to implement the latest version of FLAC ("Updated flac to 1.4.3").


--- Quote from: vanark on November 12, 2023, 09:24:20 AM ---I think there is a version of FLAC.exe that was showing errors on 24 bit files. You might want to be sure TLH is using the most current version of FLAC.

--- End quote ---

Most current version still has the bug.  See my post here....


--- Quote from: vanark on November 12, 2023, 09:24:20 AM ---I think there is a version of FLAC.exe that was showing errors on 24-bit files. You might want to be sure TLH is using the most current version of FLAC.

--- End quote ---

Rory, this is great info and important for TLH users to know. Any time I wipe C: I am pretty good about updating flac.exe in TLH since it is no longer updated or supported. I updated to 1.4.3 on 10/24/2023

I still get this error (attached)

Thanks Gordon. I will hang loose for now


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