disclaimer: I am utterly unfamiliar with the Nak mic series design/construction.
If I'm understanding correctly, something is moving which should not be moving?
The joke goes that if it is supposed to move but isn't, try WD40. If it's moving but not supposed to, then use duct tape!
But even gaffer tape leaves a permanent residue if it remains in place for too long.
This is a longwinded way to ask if you ever need to remove it?
There are different types of a product called LocTite and other similar industrial adhesives, where some are so powerful they can be considered permanent, but some will allow for removal if access is needed...
Here's the Loctite page, I have not dug in to find you the right particulars, but it looks like choosing Electronics gets it to ask you what you are sticking to what!?
https://www.loctiteproducts.com/en.htmledit: Oh shoot, you need to remove these each time you change capsules? Maybe just lubricate the threads?
re-reading this, I wonder if they have two concentric threads, and one of yours is stripped but not the other? So you have a 50/50 shot at threading it on the locking one?