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using a power splitter cable/squid with talentcell batteries

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Hi Batterati--

Am curious if anyone is using a single talentcell (I have this one: to power multiple devices (e.g. deck & preamp, or 2 decks) from the 12v plug and splitting the power output, with something similar to this

I'm wondering what the safe limit for power draw is here, or better yet, how to determine what the draw is for any combo of multiple devices.


todd e:
i do a splitter, but am not using the power as primary power option.  i provide backup to the mixpre6 and the m248, using a talentcell with a 12v 4pin neutrix splitter.

That will work..

--- Quote from: unclehoolio on December 06, 2023, 01:44:04 PM ---single talentcell (I have this one:
--- End quote ---

^  This page indicates the current draw limitation for the 12VDC port is specified as 6A. You'll need to keep the total current draw of all combined devices that are Y'd into that port below that.

The only other potential problems I can foresee would relate to the interaction between the power sharing devices, not the battery itself- specifically, potential ground loop issues and/or injection of ripple some other unwanted power-noise from one device.  I don't expect that to be a problem, but it could.


The Zoom's wall wart is rated for 2A output, so unless I'm missing something, that leaves 4A for other devices.

The amperage of the charging wall wart is not really relevant to what you can power with the battery. In the case of charging, higher amperage from the wall wart (within safe charging limits) will simply charge the battery faster than a lower amperage wall wart.

The key thing in your case is that the collective amperage draw of all the devices you wish to power at the same time needs to be less than what the battery is capable of outputting.  That output specification is 6A, but that's max by the specs.. and a lot.  Best not to push it that hard. The battery may not last long at that output and the voltage might drop as it tries to keep up the current.  Best to keep the actual amperage draw less than that max.  Half that, 3A is probably a good target, if somewhat of an arbitrary number.

FYI- If using a "Y" other way - that is to say using two of those batteries in parallel to power your stuff, will double the nominal available amperage to 12A (and by the same seat of the pants reasonable target of half the available max output, ~6A).

^If you need to do that, the decision is to either use the two batteries separately, powering different pieces of gear with each. Or to "Y" from the two batteries down to a common single power line and "Y" back out from there to the separate pieces of gear.


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