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Oktava Mics?


Anybody know anything about these?

MC 319 Large Diaphram
MC 52 Ribbon Mic

I have no clue about these.... but these are both cheap at guitar center this week.


I also saw the sale on those ribbon mics. My understanding is that the ribbon mics are rather delicate and might not be the best for "location" recording. I've never owned one though, so I can't speak from first hand experince.


--- Quote from: calico on September 30, 2003, 11:20:27 PM ---I also saw the sale on those ribbon mics. My understanding is that the ribbon mics are rather delicate and might not be the best for "location" recording. I've never owned one though, so I can't speak from first hand experince.

--- End quote ---

I wasn't going to use this for location work but rather for some session work I have been asked to do. I actually was looking at the tube mics they had. I went to GC yesterday and looked at them. They weren't bad, but not nearly as warm as what I had hoped. For an extra $100 a mic I can get a nice set of AT4040, or for another $150 a mic a nice pair of AT4033/CL mics, so I figured since I'm going to want to live with them for more than just one session, I'm leaning towards the AT mics.



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