Gear / Technical Help > Battery Boxes, Preamps, Mixers, ADCs, and Processors

Rotating battery use

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So I have 3 batteries to use for my UA-5.  I want to try and use them all the same amount of times.  I had an idea to just tape a piece of paper on them and mark each time I use them.  I have a feeling that all tapers, including myself, tend to be very anal about things.  Anybody else have any better ideas?


You could recharge them after you use them and then not worry about it ;D 8)


it is good to rotate your batteries, they will last longer and you will get more consistant usage from them over time.

How to keep track of rotation is what I am asking.  I made up an Excel spreadsheet to do it.  Maybe I'm a dork...ok, I definately am....sue me!


Brian Skalinder:

--- Quote from: blu666z on June 30, 2003, 01:44:56 PM ---I made up an Excel spreadsheet to do it.
--- End quote ---

Dork!   :P

Think you'll diligently populate the spreadsheet as you go?  Maybe at first, but then...sllllllaaaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkk...spreadsheet's no good!  But perhaps you have remarkable self-discipline for stuff like that.  Dork.   :P


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