Gear / Technical Help > Recording Gear

Tascam Portacapture X8

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--- Quote from: BonoBeats on November 18, 2021, 02:12:05 PM ---Seems solid, though personally, 32 bit seems most beneficial for stealth, when I'm trying to not constantly monitor levels; this seems a bit too large. I really just want 32 bit in a R07/A10 type unit.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, that's what I'm waiting for as well

Marking. Looks very interesting. Those of you who record loud shows and/or have very sensitive mics with a hot output will want to invest in some inline pads, as max input level is +2 dBu with the combo inputs set to MIC. When set to LINE it's +24 dBu, but it's unclear if you can run phantom power in line mode. You can do that on the Zoom F6 which is a really neat and somewhat rare feature.

No EIN specified, but the other specs look quite good.

Looks very nice.

Less 'aerodynamic' than an M10.
Bulk of mics should be gone.
192 Khz?
32 bit is cool though.

Plug-in power is only 2.5V (Tascam rep's answer to my question).


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