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Wave Header / CDWave Question


The other day I moved my rig after the first set to get away from some fans. I was not thinking and just snatched it up without shutting down. During the move the power cut out and I figured that set was toast. Back home, it was still there and copied to the PC without problems. Opened up in Reaper, still no problem. I decided I wanted to try and kill the fan in Rx first, but that said it open fine although it never scanned the waveform and just had a blank window. After trying a bunch of stuff, I tried opening it in Wavelab which refused to open it. OK, try CDWave. That tells me the header and system report different sizes. I tell it to override the header and it says the header says it has a size of zero. That explains the problems with Rx and Wavelab. I guess Reaper and VLC ignore headers. I save it out of CDWave and it looks like I have the same file although it is now a few thousand bytes smaller. It still shows as the same size in MB. I expected a few bytes bigger as it rewrote the header, but am wondering what else got changed to make it smaller.

Chilly Brioschi:
Typically file system causes that, usually no worry
Sometimes due to storage formatting (exFAT, APFS, HPS, NTFS, ext4,...there are many)

RIFF Header information is the number to track
Calculating the MD-5 or a SHA hash number and comparing is the best way to verify file integrity.

Headerless audio can be 'Imported' in many programs, 'Open' uses existing calculations in the header, import does its own, if I understand it correctly.

I used d&d in all instances, do not know if that is open or import?

I am sure I could have gone about my business in Reaper and never been the wiser.

Thanks bud, your explanation makes a perfect sticky reference for me on how these programs are the first choice to fix these bad headers when they occur.


Glad it worked out, Kirk.


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