Gear / Technical Help > Remote Power

Anyone tried 5V external (USB) power for MixPre?

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It will not work for a MixPre-D which requires a higher voltage.

For any previous version of MixPre that only requires 5VDC to operate a USB to Hirose 4 pin cable should work just fine, though I'd recommend using a beefy USB cable to start with, one that uses lower gauge wires internally to handle current requirements.

For the MixPre, it works, but the battery light doesn't light up for some reason. I did a set 1 vs set 2 comp with DVD batteries and couldn't tell the difference. I'm using a GAK cable.

--- Quote from: DigiGal on March 19, 2015, 09:07:30 PM ---It will not work for a MixPre-D which requires a higher voltage.

For any previous version of MixPre that only requires 5VDC to operate a USB to Hirose 4 pin cable should work just fine, though I'd recommend using a beefy USB cable to start with, one that uses lower gauge wires internally to handle current requirements.

--- End quote ---

Would this work for,the sound devices 442 also?

I got confirmation from SD that powering via a 5V USB source should work fine. 
Still need to ask them about why the power LED doesn't light...

But I did a test yesterday with a 13000 mAh RavPower battery and the MixPre amplifying two Neumann km184 mics.
The MixPre was on and active for 8 hours.  I disconnected everything and checked the battery - it was not even down one blip (technical tem) on it's battery meter.

Should work fine with a 442, as they list its specs as 5-18V DC.

USB ports differ as to how much current they can reliably supply at 5 VDC. It should never be assumed (without testing) that any given USB device can power your MixPre--and if other devices are also plugged in, they could reduce the available current at the MixPre's socket, depending.

There are standards as to the current that a USB port "shall" be able to supply, but they differ among USB versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 etc., and the startup current is one thing while sustained availability is another. Plus there's a tolerance range around the 5 Volts, which may mean that in some cases the "5 Volts" you're getting from the port isn't enough to reach the "5 Volts" lower limit of the MixPre.


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