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Show I Disconnect the Lows on My Bi-Wired Speakers?


I have my B&W DM601 S3's bi-wired coming out of my amp.... I have a 12 inch sub that holds down the lows fairly well, would I increase the performance of the 601's by disconnecting the speaker wire running to the lows allowing the speaker to focus on the mids and highs?  I love the 601s but they are adding very little to the lows...  Is it possible that I might have a "hole" in the sound if I disconnect the wire?  Would I miss some of the "high register" low end sound that the sub might not be able to reproduce?



Bad idea, but why did you bi wire in the first place??  It has been proven in many test that bi-wiring does nothing to the sound. Now to bi-amp.....that is totally different.

The standard answer of two speaker wires should produce a better source than one.  Thanks for the advice.  



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