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powering a mini-me

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Well, I got a brand spanking new mini-me in the mail today thanks to masterpiece.  What kind of power consum ption am I looking at here?  I have a 12v/5amh, and a 12v/12amh battery I could use tonight.  I will probably come up with something in between at some point but was wondering if I could get away with just running the 12/5 for a 3-4 hour show?  Any thoughts?  Also, I didn't get a dc cable, which is no bid deal,  because I had an extra that I had made for the sax which just happens to work perfectly...saved myself a lot of trouble too!  Anyway, all thoughts are appreciated.  Off to class :'(


Brian Skalinder:
You should be fine for a 3-4 hour show, Daryan.

I believe Watts = Current * Voltage.  So Current =  Watts / Voltage.  We know from the specs the MMe is 5.5W.  And your SLA is 12v.  So...

5.5 / 12 = ~.46 (but lets round up to .50)

At .50 a/h, your 5 ah battery would theoretically last ~10 hours.  But throw in the fact that you don't want to completely drain your SLA, so let's take 80% of your SLAs capacity.  Theoretically, that gets you to ~ 8 hours on your 12v/5ah SLA running the MMe.

Caveat: "In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not."

Maybe someone who's actually run the thing can tell you for certain, but I'd bet money you'll be fine.

yo hit it right on the nose bri #2.... ;)

Bri #1


i ve heard through the vine you're selling your v2 and mod sbm-1 for a mini me is it? It'll be great to have a 140>mme source running around unless yer switching mics, then I disown you

and if he switches those mics ill buy em :-)


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