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Author Topic: Kick drum distortion  (Read 6058 times)

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Offline guitard

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Kick drum distortion
« on: November 20, 2023, 05:54:43 PM »
The last four shows I recorded, one of the channels is 4-5 dBs below the other, and the kick/bass drum sounds distorted in both channels; is worse in one of the channels. 

The first show where I noticed the problem, I used the following rig:  MK41s > Actives > BabyNbox > Sony A10

For the last three shows, I've used this rig:  MK41Vs > Actives > BabyNbox > Sony A10

To experiment at home, I switched out the A10 for a Roland R-07, and recorded some music off the radio, and the 4-6 dB loss in one channel shows up on the Roland as well.  I also tried switching out the Baby Nbox with a Platinum NBox, and get the same 4-6 dB difference.

I suppose it could be an issue with my Active cables or the 3-pin / 1/8" cable that I use to connect my Baby Nbox to the recording deck.  I'm not very good with electronics, but wonder if there is there a way to physically check the cables themselves to see if there is an issue with them?  I'm guessing, if there is internal damage, it would be hard to tell from just looking at them.

This is really frustrating!  Any advice welcome!

« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 06:02:51 PM by guitard »
Mics: Schoeps MK41s & MK41Vs >:D
Pre-amps: BabyNbox & Platinum Nbox
Deck: Sony A10

Video: Canon HF G70 (4K), Sony FDR AX100 (4K), Pany ZS100 (4K)
Photo: Canon EOS R5 Mark II w/ Canon RF 24-105mm f/4L lens & Canon RF70-200mm F2.8 L telephoto lens

A/V software: Sony Vegas Pro 18 (build 527) 64 bit / DVD Architect Pro 6.0 (build 237)

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Re: Kick drum distortion
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2023, 07:18:00 PM »
I'm far far from an expert but if the signal is continuous and not interrupted I wouldn't suspect the cables. I would look at the batteries.  in much less sophisticated gear, distortion  often occurs due to under powered mics. I would also try swapping capsules and rule that out as a potential cause. You didnt specifically mention it but the issue could also lie with the cable connecting the Nbox to the recorder and I'd imagine you might have a few of those vs multiple active cable solutions to swap out to narrow things down. 

If you live near another nbox user you could perhaps borrow gear or arrange  meeting to test things. Baring all that I'd send the cables back to Nick for a checkup.   
hope some of that might help

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Re: Kick drum distortion
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2023, 10:06:25 PM »
Well, since you've switched out 1/2 of the rig, it seems its either the microphones or the cables.  Switch those out and report back. 

mk41 > N Box  > Sony M-10
mk4 > N Box > Sony M-10

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Re: Kick drum distortion
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2023, 09:47:32 AM »
Switch the capsules from right to left and see if the problem switches sides or stays where it was.

Also does your BabyNbox and platinum use the same exact output cable?

Mine are different the Baby has 3 pin to 1/8th and Platinum 2x rca to 1.8th.

Offline guitard

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Re: Kick drum distortion
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2023, 08:37:21 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions.  I contacted Nick, and he is going to inspect the cables.  I'm also going to send him back my Baby Nbox.

Also does your BabyNbox and platinum use the same exact output cable?  Mine are different the Baby has 3 pin to 1/8th and Platinum 2x rca to 1.8th.

Same 3-pin to 1/8" output cable.  I got the two boxes new from Nick a couple of years ago, and (I think) it was Nick's idea to do it this way.  I don't know if 3-pin to 1/8" for a Platinum is the norm though.

Switch the capsules from right to left and see if the problem switches sides or stays where it was.

That's a great idea.  I'm going to do this before I ship any gear to Nick.
Mics: Schoeps MK41s & MK41Vs >:D
Pre-amps: BabyNbox & Platinum Nbox
Deck: Sony A10

Video: Canon HF G70 (4K), Sony FDR AX100 (4K), Pany ZS100 (4K)
Photo: Canon EOS R5 Mark II w/ Canon RF 24-105mm f/4L lens & Canon RF70-200mm F2.8 L telephoto lens

A/V software: Sony Vegas Pro 18 (build 527) 64 bit / DVD Architect Pro 6.0 (build 237)

Offline guitard

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Re: Kick drum distortion
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2024, 11:10:59 AM »
Bit of a follow-up.

I sent my active cables and Baby Nbox to Nick.  He re-wired the cables.  Of course, the prudent thing after getting my gear back from Nick would be to go back to my original rig and try it out.  But I bought a new A10 in the meantime and have been using that ever since because whatever it was that was causing the problem - ain't causing it anymore, and I'm just happy to be able to get back to taping without equipment issues.  I know that sooner or later, I'll run a second rig with the other A10 and that's when I'll get a chance to see how it sounds.

Here are a couple of recent efforts in two very different settings with the re-wired rig:

Lou Gramm 2024-02-17 "Juke Box Hero" & "Hot Blooded" in Wabash, IN

Pantera 2024-02-20 Grand Rapids, MI
Mics: Schoeps MK41s & MK41Vs >:D
Pre-amps: BabyNbox & Platinum Nbox
Deck: Sony A10

Video: Canon HF G70 (4K), Sony FDR AX100 (4K), Pany ZS100 (4K)
Photo: Canon EOS R5 Mark II w/ Canon RF 24-105mm f/4L lens & Canon RF70-200mm F2.8 L telephoto lens

A/V software: Sony Vegas Pro 18 (build 527) 64 bit / DVD Architect Pro 6.0 (build 237)


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