Msg#: 1 Pvt Date: 08 Jun 96 10:59:00
From: Victor Yiu
To: Dat-heads@virginia.edu
Subj: 7pin cable
You can practically build one yourself, although you may prefer to consider
Len's 7-pin cables for much better construction.
Most of this information is through Heiko's 7-pin page and my experimentation.
Try this at your own risk; I'm not responsible for anything that happens.
| o o o o / Build your own interface for:
| o o o / Sony Proprietary 7-pin connectors on D7/D8's
5 6 7
It's my understanding that the D7/D8's output the signal 0-5v, not the
standard +-.5v for the standard S/PDIF. It expects 0-5v in, but will work
with +-.5v in my testing. BE CAREFUL when connecting the D7/D8's outputs
to a deck's input without verification. Len's page lists a few decks that
allow 0-5v.
To connect 2 D7's together:
Connect pin 6 (ground) together on both decks. On recording deck, connect
pins 3 and 6 (enable digital in). Connect pin 5 (recording deck) to pin
1 (playback deck).
Using the D7 for digital out:
Get an RCA plug for coax out. Connect pin 6 (ground) to the surround of
the RCA plug. Connect pin 1 (dig. out) to the center of the RCA plug.
Note that the output is NOT standard voltages.
Using the D7 for digital in (recording):
Connect the pins 3 and 6 together (enable digital in). Connect pin 6 (ground)
to the outside surround of the RCA plug. Connect pin 5 (dig. in) to the center
of the RCA plug. Although the D7 expects its 0-5v, it worked for me under
+-.5v (standard coax).
Enjoy, and please report back on the results. Again, I am not responsible,
use at your own risk.