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Author Topic: Mixer's suggestions/experience  (Read 1773 times)

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Offline onemarleyfan

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Mixer's suggestions/experience
« on: January 11, 2008, 09:07:28 PM »
I'm thinking of recording some local bands(or would like to at least if there is demand) and am really just brainstorming here........

Does anyone have any experience with a mixer and using it to record in a rehearsal-type atmosphere(or live for that matter)? I'd be curious to hear how you've used it(in what setting, # of mic's, type of mic's). Also what to look for(if you would recommend it), plus a recommendation of brand.

Currently I have an R-09 to record so I figure I could use that instead of a full size multitrack recorder.

I also have a laptop that could be used solely for recording but it is a few years old(and I used it mainly for data entry). I don't know exactly what hardware would be needed for this setup.

As for price keep in mind this a new hobby for me.......willing to spend upwards of $500.

Hopefully I don't sound too ignorant(because I am in this respect), or my questions aren't too broad. If you have any ?'s about my ?'s just ask.

Thanks in advance.

Offline BruPri

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Re: Mixer's suggestions/experience
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2008, 10:48:09 PM »
See bold type...

in what setting, Usually the band's rehearsal space or gig# of mic's, type of mic'sThis depends on what type of band it is and what kind of recording you're after. A four piece with drums, bass guitar and say...3 vocals, would require at the minimum-two condenser overheads and a kick drum mic-an AKG D-12, EV-RE20 or even a Shure SM57 or 58 would work., take the bass guitar direct either with a line out of the bass amp or a DI/direct box in line between the instrument and amp. Use an SM57 on the guitar amp set just off center of one of the speaker cones. SM58s will work on vocals. I recommend these cardioid dynamic mics because they're durable, dependable and serviceable in a live situation. Count up the number of inputs you have-8 so far, add 4 more for some condensers in the room or add separate tom, snare and high hat mics, you've filled up a 16 channel mixer easily. If the band has their own mixer, just take a stereo send off a couple of AUX sends as a submix to your R-09. . Also what to look for(if you would recommend it), plus a recommendation of brand. Mackie makes a serviceable mixer, if you want to purchase your own for recording look into an Allen/Heath w/sweepable EQ If you choose to go computer based recording, make sure your machine is up to the task and optimize the settings for recording music. Purchase a decent soundcard/breakout box for your inputs. If you get one with 8 inputs, you should also invest in a splitter snake which would allow you to get and independant feed from each mic and direct send from the band. Depending on the band's mixer-if they own one, you could potentially set up a matrix mix from their console and submix the drums in stereo to two channels, the bass to one, the guitar to one and three separate with an 8 channel sound card you could do some minimal pre mixing/balancing for capture and mix later. The 16 channel mixer....ya just blew your budget-$750.00, $300.00, kick mic-$300.00, 4-SM58-$325.00, DI-$150.00, Cabling-$400.00, 8 channel splitter snake-$550.00 and this is for basic roadworthy decent sounding stuff. Most bands will already have much of this gear so the computer based concept for the money may be more attractive. An acoustic act on the other hand, R-09/Neve Portico/AKG 414 (2) and there ya go...There are many options, depending on your desired result and budget. This is one, hope it helps

Currently I have an R-09 to record so I figure I could use that instead of a full size multitrack recorder.

I also have a laptop that could be used solely for recording but it is a few years old(and I used it mainly for data entry). I don't know exactly what hardware would be needed for this setup.

As for price keep in mind this a new hobby for me.......willing to spend upwards of $500.

Offline onemarleyfan

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Re: Mixer's suggestions/experience
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2008, 03:08:40 PM »
Thank you for the specific suggestions. I've been doing a lot of reading but not sure of actual products(and uses of such products). Now i guess its just about going out and doing it.

Offline onemarleyfan

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Re: Mixer's suggestions/experience
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2008, 07:49:47 PM »

What would you think a good price on this is?

I checked in the completed listing and it didn't get a bid at $269(299 buy it now) plus 50 shipping.

I count 8 mic inputs and various other ones........probably fits within what i'd like(in budget too).

Thanks for the reply as well. Does anyone do this sort of thing for a living? Or at least a paying hobby(to buy more gear)?


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