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Shure E2/E2C vs. Etymotic ER-6


Im a bit poor but I want some inner ear isolation headphones. These are the two with the best reviews in my price range, but those reviews are not doen using live recordings as a reference. I was wondering what you all think. Any suggestions other than those two are welcome as long as they are inner ear options. Thanks for your responses.


Nick Culbreth:
i have a pair of etymotic er-6s and i'm pretty happy with them.  they get great isolation and are very detailed but after awhile they become a bit fatiguing and the ear pieces become annoying.  i use mine with my jb3 so i can listen to some music between classes but at home i stick my my hd-580s because they're much more comfortable and less fatiguing.

Lots of comparisons reviews at:

I use the e-2 for taping (and when I'm performing).  They're great for dB isolation.


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