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Author Topic: Resistance to filming with a camcorder  (Read 17755 times)

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Offline fanofjam

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Re: Resistance to filming with a camcorder
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2024, 05:29:17 PM »
I agree with the other tapers here.  I stopped buying commercial video's ten years or more ago unless I'm able to actually experience the video first.  LOTS of commercial videos are total garbage.  Like you guys already said, they're a spastic nightmare with ridiculous editing or the audio is total crap.  I watched a commercial video not so long ago where they obviously had a SBD and an AUD matrixed together, but they never eliminated the delay between the two sources, so the entire video had that characteristic echo with the annoying slapback of every drum beat.  After awhile, I couldn't listen/watch anymore. 
« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 05:30:54 PM by fanofjam »

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Re: Resistance to filming with a camcorder
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2024, 05:41:52 PM »
Unfortunately the ZS100 has become hard to find. Is there a new option? I have SBD access with my favorite artist, so now that I have audio easily covered, I am looking to do video as well.

Online yltfan

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Re: Resistance to filming with a camcorder
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2024, 05:41:18 PM »
I agree with the other tapers here.  I stopped buying commercial video's ten years or more ago unless I'm able to actually experience the video first.  LOTS of commercial videos are total garbage.  Like you guys already said, they're a spastic nightmare with ridiculous editing or the audio is total crap.  I watched a commercial video not so long ago where they obviously had a SBD and an AUD matrixed together, but they never eliminated the delay between the two sources, so the entire video had that characteristic echo with the annoying slapback of every drum beat.  After awhile, I couldn't listen/watch anymore.

Guided by Voices was selling audio recordings like that a few years ago. And they shut down board feeds for tapers. Tons of us were like "please let us do a proper job of this, your taper is bad".
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