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Hack removes 30 minute recording limit from many Sony cameras

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I'm going to give it a shot with my HX9V.

Here is a youtube clip that also covers this:

enyone tried with a rx100m4 on 4k?

but i also found this interesting: modded firmware for the samsung Nx1 and NX500 - including removing video limit also. Sad the NX500 is discontinued but maybe i get an used one for this.

RX100 mk III ? ? ?

I know nothing about cameras or video, but a 30 minute video limit would surely suck for recording shows ;D This hack seems pretty cool! Is it a PITA to deal with such big audio/video files in post though, if you're removing the file size limit? Kind of like removing most audio recorders 2gb file size limit! But with audio, not many DAWs can handle files bigger than 2gb! So I'm wondering if the same applies to video? Once again, I'm a video n00b, so sorry if that's a silly question ;D

Yeah Bean the files are huge,for example the sony ax 100 in 4k records 5 hours at 256 gb.


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