Gear / Technical Help > Microphones & Setup

Schoeps CMD-42

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Colin Liston:
This looks pretty cool.  Sorry I couldn't find this link on youtube only on instagram.

Old tech getting a new push

There's actually quite a lot of new stuff in these amplifiers, not just "old tech". It's unlikely to interest most folks here directly, though, given the lack of consumer or semi-pro recorders with AES42 digital microphone inputs.

If there's a more general interest in digital microphones and/or these mikes, we can definitely talk about them, but I don't want to push.


--- Quote from: DSatz on June 02, 2024, 12:44:45 PM ---If there's a more general interest in digital microphones and/or these mikes, we can definitely talk about them, but I don't want to push.

--- End quote ---

I wouldnt anticipate any resistance, please feel free!

Yeah, I'm definately interested in all the technical details.


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