
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: Gutbucket on January 15, 2024, 01:12:34 PM

Title: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 15, 2024, 01:12:34 PM
Continued from part 3..

OMT Part 1 thread- http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=96009.msg1279052#msg1279052
OMT Part 2 thread- https://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=184876.msg2251211#msg2251211
OMT Part 3 thread- https://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=191953.msg2311359#msg2311359

Will edit this 1st post to add appropriate links as the thread grows.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 15, 2024, 01:12:47 PM
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 15, 2024, 01:18:34 PM
Ok, back to discussion of the configuration of the L/R near-spaced pair and its role.  I started this post before the discussion of the Improved 3-point PAS at the end of the previous thread, but pushed it off to the start off the new thread, since it sort of recaps a lot of how OMT developed up to this point.  I intend to start a new thread on Improved 3-point PAS to split it off from this more esoteric OMT discussion, or may just append the existing 2-point Improved PAS thread(s).

Ah, I understand now! I was misinterpreting +/-45° to mean 45° ± Nº (and therefore wondering what range of N to expect) but I realize now you mean +45° on one side and -45º on the other for a total angle of 90° fixed. Thank you.

Yes, that's it.  A few more thoughts on that in my next post..

Several things going on there.  The imaging relationship across L/C/R mic positions is one.  An improved sense of clarity, proximity, and "upfront impact and bigness" (to my ear, for lack of better description) is another.  The problem is that fully optimizing for one becomes at odds with optimizing for the other.  Over time I've worked on improving the second without overly compromising the first, and I feel this points to a potential convergence between Improved 3-point PAS and OMT I mentioned at the end of the previous thread.

Where this came from (bear with me though a bit of historical progression of OMT)-
I found I gained a lot of flexibility using three mics instead of two, largely because it allows for three new forms of balance control unavailable with just two mic channels: Level of the center verses both sides, slight panning adjustments of the center without affecting the sides, and when needed, the ability to push the L/R energy balance to one side while panning the center the opposite way to compensate.  All things that can be very helpful in the real world of concert taping.  I gained the ability to separate the control of energy distribution and center image position to a limited but useful extent.  Originally this was 3 omnis in mounted in spheres, later a directional mic between two omnis, sometimes 3 directional mics when indoors.  That's 3 ignoring the rear-facing channel or mono SBD in making full use of a 4 channel recorder.

I later increased channel count from 4 to 6 channels by adding Left/Right directional mics between the center mic and the wide omnis, and looked into a number of ways of doing that, trying a few different approaches at my favorite outdoor amphitheater. Günther Thiele's OCT (Optimum Cardioid Triangle) arrangement made a lot of sense to me and I found it worked best for playback over three front speakers, which was my primary focus at the time, but also it worked better for 2ch playback.  Ok good.
The imaging of OCT really does work astoundingly well over three front speakers, which it was originally designed specifically for by minimizing the overlap between the Left and Right mic patterns as much as possible, while retaining just the right of overlap with the Center pattern (not too much, nor too little) so as to hand off smoothly from one segment to the other without conflicting.  It does that by using a cardioid in the center and leveraging the supercardioid pattern in such a way that the null of the fully sideways pointing (+90°) Left supercard is pointed directly at the Right edge of the recording angle, which is where the Right speaker will be during playback, and vice-versa. Pretty cool. In addition to that, sounds arriving from outside of the recording angle window are picked up by the rear-lobe of the opposite mic channel and therefore will be in antiphase, which is sort of like Blumlein.  But unlike Blumlein, as the angle of arrival shifts farther around the sides and on toward the back, the signal into the opposite channel is picked up with much reduced less level due to the the reduced sensitivity of the rear lobe.  That, along with the arrangement capturing phase / time-of-arrival information by being near-spaced, is unlike and arguably perceptually superior to Blumlein.  Its a very clever 3 microphone arrangement.

So my initial OMT array incorporating six channels used an OCT center arrangement with fully sideways facing supercards.  The primary difference between that OMT6 and OCT was the wider spaced omnis and the single rear facing channel.  This worked really well for me outdoors, and much better than most tapers might expect indoors.  I think the directly forward facing center mic anchoring everything, and the other mics being purposefully arranged to work well with it is a big reason why. 

At some point I no longer had a good surround playback system setup, and was listening primarily in stereo.  I still wanted to support excellent surround playback (done right its arguably better used for the replay of live concerts than for anything else), but was really listening most critically in stereo.  First thing I tried was making the center mic more directional, then switched it to a Mid/Side pair. The change to a center coincident pair was all about optimizing 2ch stereo, it wasn't needed for surround. Recording using a 6 channel recorder required sacrificing the single rear-facing channel to do that.  The addition of the coincident center pair worked great for all the reasons discussed at length in previous threads, but I missed the rear channel.  I went back and forth about what was more important.  Really, I wanted both.  Recording 8 channels felt extreme but allowed me to do that.

Also, all this is primarily about general concert taping, and not so much classical music recording done in gorgeous sounding halls where the microphone array can be put in just the right place and shifted slightly until positioned just right. I wanted to better accommodate taper realities, while hopefully also improving things further in already good acoustic situations like nice sounding outdoor amphitheaters where it was already working well.

To do that I wanted the L/R directional pair angled more forward, rather than pointing directly sideways at either side wall (the omnis or side facing subcards cover that just fine).  That change would impart some forward sensitivity bias into the geometry of the array itself, and not just have that forward bias entirely reliant on the level of the center channel in the mix.  To achieve that that I shifted to using a more narrow supercardioid pattern in all three positions and used some additional L/R spacing to try and maintain a somewhat equivalent recording angle to OCT: Supercards in all three positions, a bit more spacing, and L/R angled reasonably forward.  Left/Right at +/-45° is the result of this.  Switching to a supercard center also helped a bit with clarity and a bit more reduction of audience noise in the center, arriving from elsewhere. 

All of that was about increasing forward sensitivity in the L/R directional imaging mics while trying to preserve good imaging.  Upon making the change I found the imaging remained good when listening in stereo.  I began to wonder if I was getting too "belt and suspenders" with phase-correlated imaging being contributed by both the coincident center pair AND the near-spaced triplet.  I found I could use either in the mix, and each provided somewhat different qualities.  The L/C/R tended to be more focused and precise image-placement wise, with cleaner transients, but flatter and less dimensional.  The M/S pair more phase-correlated, yet at the same time more ambient in its stereo width.  I now typically balance both separately in the mix first, then go back and tweak the level of the Side channel while listening to everything in play.  With the near-spaced L/R pair in there providing a lot of the L/R imaging information, I'm using the Side channel as sort of an "ambient width special sauce" type of thing.  It may be more directionally accurate without it, but the right amount of it brings "the sound" that makes me smile and pulls me into the recording.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 15, 2024, 01:21:51 PM
Because it is directly related to the current topic of conversation, I'm cross posting here what I posted over in Voltronics Solution for time-aligning center mics.. (https://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=203948.msg2406488#msg2406488) thread this morning, along with a bit of further discussion of whats going on in relation to OMT arrays, and the evolution away from OCT:

Posted earlier in that thread:
The deeper question is what the ideal time-alignment is for the array you are using, and the location you are using it from. Its not necessarily all microphones sharing the same plane (as can be seen when playing with some of the multichannel visual imaging tools, or looking at William's multichannel stereozoom solutions).  But if what is optimal is unknown, then all in one plane is most the logical thing to do.

Optimally managing time alignment and imaging is why the geometry my multichannel arrays tend to be wide with far less front/back dimension.. but some front/back dimension is frequently important and better than having all mics in the same left/right plane.

Followed this morning with this..
Back to add some additional detail about center mic alignment, feel free to skip this read if not interested in the technical side of all this-

The classic Decca tree arrangement is sort of a special case as it is essentially placed "inside" the ensemble, which more or less wraps around it.  Sounds arrive at the array from a very wide angle, in essence converging in on it from a half-circle.

In contrast most tapers are dealing with sound arriving from farther out in front of the recording position, in more of a plane-wave like fashion (this is a gross simplification, but bear with it for the purpose of discussion). In that case, there are a couple things going on acoustically.  One is the time-alignment of transient information.  If we really were dealing with a plane-wave, an array of mics placed along a straight line with no forward spacing of the center position, oriented perpendicular to the wavefront arrival would capture it simultaneously in time in all channels.  There would be no time arrival differences across channels. I think this is what most tapers have in mind when they think about time-aligning the center mic position.  Plane waves arriving from directions other than directly in front will produce increasing time of arrival offsets, which will be greatest for a wavefront arriving from fully left or right (+/-90 degrees), as happens with any spaced pair.

Complicating that is the question of whether we really want full time alignment for that front arriving plane wave or not.  Maybe we want to leverage human hearing cues by pinging the center mic position slightly ahead of the L/R positions to strongly  anchor the center in a perceptual sense.

Another aspect is managing the imaging overlap between each pair of microphone channels.  Two spaced microphones will produce a stereo recording angle that is related to the spacing between them (sensitivity pattern and mic angle also play a role, but ignore that for now).   As the spacing between a pair of microphones is made larger, the stereo recording angle grows narrower, but it never actually reaches zero degrees - its edges always splay out wider than the spacing between microphones.  So each pair of microphones produces its own imaging angle, the middle of which which is perpendicular to the line between those two microphones, and the edges of which are angled outward from that center perpendicular line.  If we place all the microphones in a straight line, those outward angled edges will overlap each other.  If we want the edges of each imaging segment to line up nicely with each other instead, so that they hand-off cleanly from one to the next, we need to introduce curvature to the array to angle each segment farther apart until the edges of each segment align.  We can do that in a 3-position mic array by moving the center microphone position forward.

There are complications of course.  Three microphone positions create not just two separate imaging segments but three. We might align the edges of the L-C and C-R imaging segments nicely by pushing the center mic position forward, but the separate L-R imaging segment is going to be considerably narrower than either (because those two microphones are spaced more widely), and will overlap them both.  Leveraging pattern can help manage that. Additionally, it's possible to "steer" the imaging sector of each pair one way or another by carefully leveraging microphone position, time delay, and sensitivity pattern, making it possible to do so asymmetrically where required.  The multichannel Willliams arrays use that technique, some of which require time-delay to get the sectors to line up properly.

It gets complicated!  Not saying what's right or wrong here, just laying out what's going on and the ways in which it can be manipulated.

Minimizing any problems of overlap between the L/R imaging segment and the L/C-C/R imaging segments is what OCT achieves by orienting the L/R supercardioids 180° apart, and that management of overlap gets compromised when angling the L and R mic pair more forward.  Spacing them farther apart to compensate for the change of angle helps correct the alignment of the L/C and C/R imaging sectors, yet at the same time increases the level of and aggravates the misalignment of the L/R sector with those imaging sectors.  How much that matters is an open question I don't have a good answer for, but is one reason I've tended to go not narrower than +/-45° with the L/R pair. 

Although I want everything working harmoniously, sufficient clarity and good direct/reverberant ratio are more critically important to me than good imaging.  Because of that, perhaps the optimal solution is going to be improved 3-point PAS, which seeks to maximize clarity and d/r ratio first by pointing the microphones at the source, then secondarily seeks to optimize imaging by determining the spacing between mic positions based on PAS angle.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 15, 2024, 02:20:43 PM
A question related to all this that still lingers for me..

Given the important role of clarity, perceived proximity and "upfront bigness", which channels of the array are best used for providing those things? 

While I still need to make a more proper comparison between the new stereo shotgun used in place of the center supercardioid M/S pair (by first equalizing each to best effect), upon initial listen I do seem to be getting nicely increased vocal clarity and proximity from the switch to the center shotgun, as posted about at the end of the last thread.

Yet as discussed, earlier I achieved improved clarity, proximity and upfront bigness by angling the near-spaced L/R par more forward.  And that idea might be further extended to pointing the pair directly at the stacks and adjusting its spacing based on that angle (3-point Improved PAS),

So instead of using a shotgun in the center, maybe I should keep the center M/S pair as it was (supercardioid Mid instead of a shotgun) and use short shotguns in the near-spaced L/R positions, leveraging 3-point PAS.

And in that case, maybe the center Mid, being relieved of its up front vocal clarity duties, would be better as a cardioid.. or maybe go the other way and use three shotguns across L/C/R, which could allow for a tighter angle with somewhat less spacing between L and R, since that becomes problematic at narrow PAS angles.

Not sure what the right answer is.  In thinking about this its interesting to frame the question in terms of what the array is supposed to be doing.  I have been thinking of it as "spatially sampling" the acoustic environment, slicing it up into segments which I then use to either feed a surround playback system directly, which is more objective, recreating the illusion of the the sound-field in the room, but is also able to be manipulated via mix-down to 2-ch stereo, a playback format that is more subjective in recreating the illusion of the sound-field for reproduction over just two speakers or a pair of headphones, which may include binaural cues.

I sort of see using a center shotgun as leaning toward the more objective "spatial sampling" approach - the directional sensitivity of the array increases progressively moving around the array to front center, and efforts made to produce excellent 2-ch stereo playback from that is mostly done in post.   Whereas I sort of see using two shotguns in the L/R PAS positions along with a less directional M/S pair in the center as leaning more toward building subjective/perceptual stereo-binaural cues into the array itself.  I'll probably have to get surround playback operating again and so some critical listening to answer this question, by determining how multichannel surround playback is effected by what might only end up benefiting stereo playback..  if it does at all.

Thinking a bit out loud here, but doing so to establish some of the things I'm thinking about as part 4 of the thread gets rolling.

Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: checht on January 15, 2024, 05:16:20 PM
A question related to all this that still lingers for me..


And in that case, maybe the center Mid, being relieved of its up front vocal clarity duties, would be better as a cardioid.. or maybe go the other way and use three shotguns across L/C/R, which could allow for a tighter angle with somewhat less spacing between L and R, since that becomes problematic at narrow PAS angles.

Not sure what the right answer is.

Thinking a bit out loud here, but doing so to establishing some of the things I'm thinking about as part 4 of the thread gets rolling.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, super interesting to reflect on.

Is there a "right" answer?

3 shotguns across reminds me of early 90s Dead shows, many folks running that setup using modified Naks. I remember liking some outdoor recordings, but indoor venues not so much. I think it's b/c those shotguns had cruddy off-axis response and didn't do well with the reflected waves. How is off-axis on your stereo shotgun?

Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 15, 2024, 06:06:52 PM
How is off-axis on your stereo shotgun?
At least in the handful of recordings I've made with it so far it seems fine, both in mono (listening to its Mid channel only) and in stereo (recorded as M/S and converted to L/R in the recorder).  Stereo listening so far has all been done using a single, fixed M/S ratio, since ratio is not adjustable on the F8 during M/S decode playback.  Because of that the ratio is whatever equal input gains across all recording channels provided, since I have all eight F8 input gains linked so that while recording I can effect quick simultaneous gain adjustment across all channels with a single knob turn.

I've only used the direct M/S output mode of the microphone and have not tried it's two L/R output modes (narrow / wide stereo), but I don't really plan to use those.

3 shotguns across reminds me of early 90s Dead shows, many folks running that setup using modified Naks. I remember liking some outdoor recordings, but indoor venues not so much. I think it's b/c those shotguns had cruddy off-axis response and didn't do well with the reflected waves.
Yeah, that made me think back on the old Dead show section 3-mic setups using shotguns too.  I've speculated in the past here at TS that the folks running an omni in the middle between two shotguns, as was somewhat common back then, may have gained some benefit of the omni masking much of the messy off-axis behavior of the shotguns, in addition to extending frequency response down to Phil bomb territory.  But I've also said I believe it probably would have worked better to flip that arrangement inside out, with a single shotgun in the center flanked by sufficiently widely spaced omnis.  Better bass, better ambiance, and probably better off axis masking too.  Personally I wouldn't want to try using three shotguns on their own without the omnis and rear-facing mics to covering the off-axis.  Spaced omnis with a stereo shotgun in the center and we're talking, but that's one more mic channel than the 3-mic Nak mixer supported. 

Very happy that in this era no one needs to commit to mixing multiple channels ahead of a two channel recorder.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: al w. on January 23, 2024, 10:34:52 AM
I'm happy to report that I was able to try out a 3-mic* setup at a club show last weekend!

The show was Neighbor at Putnam Place in Saratoga Springs, a classic long-rectangle room. I intentionally set up at the very back by the board because I wanted to see how good of a tape I could pull from back there. I was also running solo and was a bit worried about the crowd.

My plan was to run 3 hypers: one in front (Peluso CEMC-6), two wide spaced (3 Zigma CHI FX SD-H), PAS. Because I was so far back in a narrow room, PAS angle was about 50°. The new 3 Point Improved PAS microphone configurations PDF suggests quite a wide spacing in this situation of ~164-170cm (65-67"). I only have (and feel comfortable running that high) a ~100cm bar. Due to this, I was only able to split the side hypers about 105cm. In hindsight, I could have run them on the ends to get a bit wider, but my omnis occupied those spots. (I didn't use the omnis in the mix.) Because the wide hypers were spaced a bit narrower, I shifted the front mic forward a bit. It probably ended up 30-40cm" in front of the bar. I ran my stand about 3m high (9.5'), dead center.

There was a lot of chatter around the mics, which made me a bit worried. However, upon listening I was really, really surprised how little it impacted the recording. My suspicion is that the wide spacing really dissipates the effect, as suggested in previous posts. The chatter is there, but it's much less distracting. Hypers obviously help with this too.

The only challenge was getting the wide hypers pointed properly at the stacks, as mentioned by goodcooker in the 2023 year in review thread. I thought I set them up fairly precisely, but there was still a noticeable level difference between the two sides. The addition of the center channel helped balance this out, however.

In the mix, I quite had a hard time taming the low end. I had to apply considerable EQ and compression to bring it to an acceptable level. Perhaps skipping shock mounts was a bit optimistic!

I'm very pleased with the outcome, especially considering the recording location and chattiness. To my ear, it definitely doesn't sound like a back-of-the-room recording. Thanks Gutbucket for all the info and guidance.

If anyone wants to play with the raw tracks, I'm happy to upload some. I had to leave at setbreak, so I only caught the first set, which you can listen to here:


* It's actually a 4 mic mix; I also ran a rear mic because I have the channels, but it's so low in the mix that it's barely noticeable.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 24, 2024, 06:43:59 PM
Thanks Al!  I intended to give an extended listen last night but was unable to, so I squeezed in a brief listen this morning before work.  Sounds very good given that far back of room recording location, with good vocal clarity and articulation, and decent management of the chatter back there.  Very happy to find the arrangement working as intended.  Much thanks for trying it out, posting about it and linking the recording here.

The new 3 Point Improved PAS microphone configurations PDF suggests quite a wide spacing in this situation of ~164-170cm (65-67"). I only have (and feel comfortable running that high) a ~100cm bar. Due to this, I was only able to split the side hypers about 105cm. In hindsight, I could have run them on the ends to get a bit wider, but my omnis occupied those spots. (I didn't use the omnis in the mix.) Because the wide hypers were spaced a bit narrower, I shifted the front mic forward a bit. It probably ended up 30-40cm" in front of the bar.

How far away would you estimate the recording position was from the stage/PA?

To gain some additional insight into the specific arrangement you ended up using, I modeled it in Image Assistant, using the maximum distance from the sound source that Image Assistant allows, which is 10m (~33') away.  Other settings were: 3 supercardioids;  L/R pair in PAS angled +/-25° (50° total) and spaced 105cm apart; center mic 35cm forward.

Here are the results:
Direct/reververant ratio stuff-
The powersum is pretty strongly forward-biased, which keeps the direct/reverberant ratio as high as possible and is a significant factor in what helps it work from a distant recording position. This due to the narrow inclusive microphone angle needed to achieve PAS in combination with the tight polar patterns.  Specifically, the difference in sensitivity for sound arriving from directly in front verses 90° off to either side is ~8dB (unfortunately, Image Assistant only provides powersum info for the front 180°, I wish it provided a full 360° view). The powersum isn't strongly affected by changing the spacing between microphone positions.

The Total Stereo Recording Angle (SRA) is 112°. A 50° PAS angle is 45% of 112°.  The stereo image of the band in your recording struck me as filling the stereo field pretty well (listening on headphones). I based all the 3-point PAS spacings on PAS angle = 75% SRA. That offset value is somewhat arbitrary but seems a good starting point. I can talk more about specific reasons for that choice if you like, and the most appropriate range of values for it is one of the main things I'd like to better determine with the help of folks like yourself trying these things out, so thanks again!  75% of 112° = 87° (er 84°, but that's value is what IA reports and is within 3°).   ..so maybe we can get away with a lower offset value that equates to less spacing. ..or maybe it would be even better with some additional spacing and sound more upfront like at least in terms of image distribution.  Over time we'll be able to better determine this, thanks to the help of folks like yourself.
[In comparison, based on a 75% offset the suggestion to use an L/R spacing of ~170cm (67") for a PAS angle of 50° produces an SRA of 67°]

The extra forward spacing probably didn't help.  But didn't seem to cause any obvious problem to my ear either. Playing around with the 105cm / 50° arrangement in Image Assistant to optimize it as much as possible, it appears the best image alignment occurs with the center mic 23cm forward.  In terms of imaging, shifting the center mic forward and backward changes the total SRA angle as well as affecting how closely the edges of the L/C and C/R stereo pair imaging sectors line-up and hand-off to each other across the center.  Pushing it farther forward actually increases the SRA and messes up that center hand-over.  This is good news as we don't need to extend the center mic position out much further than about 20cm to optimize things for most PAS angles.

More later.. gotta run..
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: rocksuitcase on January 24, 2024, 07:53:03 PM
We record in that bar a lot and I'm going to say the soundboard half-wall where the mics were is about 60 feet from stage. Al, what do you think?

Additionally, there is a back room wall about ten feet behind where the mics were, which could have something to do with your bass taming need. (I do not know the bands material if it is bass heavy by design, etc)
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 25, 2024, 10:06:57 AM
Thanks Kyle.  Vocals through the PA sound quite upfront for 60' away in that relatively small room.  Drums sound more distant, but may not have had a lot of reinforcement through the PA.  I need to listen again, but don't recall obvious problems in the the bass - nice work wrangling that Al.  I do wonder if shockmounts have much effect on that or not.  I don't typically use them myself.  I can easily hear handling noise through my rig with headphones when bumping it or moving it around at home, but don't hear any of that while recording music so I've decided to go without them for practical reasons (easier setup, much smaller and less visually apparent aloft, etc).
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: al w. on January 25, 2024, 01:17:13 PM
Thanks for the review and info Gutbucket. Next time I'll keep the center mic closer!

Yeah, I'm not sure how far from the stage I was. The stage is 24' wide according to their website, so if the PAS angle was 50° then I was only 25' back, which seems too close. Maybe the actual PAS angle was closer to 40° or even 30° which would mean the stand was between 33' and 45' away, which feels like it aligns more with reality. (I remember feeling surprised how narrow the angle was.)

re drums: I have felt at the last few clubs shows I've been that drums are consistently not reinforced enough. It bums me out, let's get them in the PA!
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 25, 2024, 01:38:49 PM
Yeah, without measuring it (usually via counting how many balled fists held at arms length it takes to cover the angle, each covering ~10°), the actual PAS angle is often less wide than I typically guess by just eyeballing it.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: al w. on January 25, 2024, 02:12:47 PM
Yeah, I measured by pointing the mics at the stacks and using a protractor app, and using the balled fist method, but perhaps I was still off  ???
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: al w. on January 25, 2024, 08:20:36 PM
Ooh, maybe I should get one of these…  :lol:

Laser Measure with Camera, 328ft Laser Measurement Tool with Angle Finder, Indoor Outdoor Long Distance Laser Measuring Device with Electronic Horizontal Calibration, Tripod Included https://a.co/d/gL53DW5
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on January 26, 2024, 09:30:19 AM
^ Hack it and do your own laser light shows!

Had to go look for a photo of Michael William's old school analog angle finder. The "Crocodile". Like hauling a piece of hardwood furniture around!

Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: checht on February 02, 2024, 03:04:59 PM
New OMT4 rig

Last night was 6th of 8 Los Lobos shows in Hawai‘i and Seattle. I ran OMT4 with mk41s x/y PAS in the center and mk22s 4’ split, plus a stereo SBD feed.

I’ve assembled a new OMT4 rig, as V1 took me too long to setup/take down and is relatively heavy. It was built of 15mm al rods, 4 shock mounts, and lots of other hardware. V2 is built around a SRS 3D-printed nylon mount that does x/y and flies 2 - 2’ carbon fiber rods as split omni booms. Whole thing weighs 269g so can be mounted on one Rycote INV7-HG MKIII. The x/y portion can accommodate Movo windscreens when needed. It fits in my bag with the mk41s in place, so I just pop it on a stand, clamp on the 2’ rods, and put the mk22s on. So much easier/faster, and it's more than a pound lighter than V1. I've got the 22s on shock mounts for extra isolation, but may direct mount them to the booms.

Final addition to the rig will be wedges that angle the rods back at 18.25º so that the caps end up 7.5” behind the center pair. Scott’s working on them now.

Pictures of V2 below.

If folks are interested, I can post samples.

Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on February 02, 2024, 05:24:54 PM
Nice!  Way more streamlined and compact.  I totally relate to efforts to make setup and breakdown quick, repeatable, futz and error free, especially when they also make the flown array lighter and significantly less visually imposing.  IME, these kind of improvements are what make using these arrangements practical to use on a regular basis, and not overly imposing and/or a PITA to run.

How wiggly is it with the outrigger arms in place and the entire thing supported by that single vertical duel-lyre suspension in the center?  Using different suspension elements less capable than the Rycote Lyres to do something similar in suspending everything above the stand-connection point as one single unit, I found that achieving just the right springiness was a challenge. Needs to be floppy enough to effectively isolate the array from solid-born vibration transmitted through the support stand, yet at the same time, firm enough to not tilt or droop too easily. In playing around with that last year I was not able to get that to work satisfactorily, so have gone back to rigid mounting for now. A dual lyre using the appropriate durometer lyres is likely to work much better as it distributes the twisting moment over a significantly larger leverage area. Even if suspension hasn't really seemed necessary for my setup, I'm still scheming about ways of incorporating a less wiggly shock mount system that provides effective vibration isolation the next time I do a major rework of the setup.

If that Rycote shock mount in the center suspending the entire array is doing a sufficient job of isolating the X/Y supercard pair from vibration through the stand, it should also be sufficiently isolating the spaced pair.  Plus, the use of more open patterns in the spaced pair position will naturally make them less susceptible to solid-borne noise transmission than the supercards in the center.  I'd definitely try it with the spaced pair mounted directly to the rods as that will make it significantly more streamlined.  Little adjustable-angle mic clips extending out from the ends of the tubes would be great, making it exceptionally visually clean by placing the mics in-line with the rods, and that would also maximize the spacing you can achieve.  Extra credit if you are able run a small diameter mic cable through each tube!

I've been thinking about reworking my rig with carbon fiber tubes in place of the TV antennas for long time, but don't want to give up the super small diameter and telescoping extension feature.  All the bits for making telescoping c/f rods I've seen use tubes of an overly large diameter, typically boom poles, and use large locking telescopic fittings which aren't necessary for this application.  Just need them to telescope in/out with a hard-stop and a friction fit that makes them sufficiently rotationally stiff.  Stunt-kite style c/f tubes are about the right diameter but telescoping end bits for them don't seem to be available.  With the TV antennas, the ends of the thin steel tubes are simply swadged down at one end and flared at the other, and they have sufficient friction to avoid rotating.  Would be really great to incorporate a very small diameter mic wire through the telescoping c/f tubes, but that wire would need to be spring-coiled to accommodate the telescoping. Fortunately all the mics I'm using on arms are currently two-wire.

How well do those little clamps secure the two highly cantilevered rods?  Any sign of sagging or is the center mount stiff enough to avoid that, as well as being strong enough to avoid cracking at the base of the clamps?  If that seems like it might be a potential problem, you might make a piece that inserts an inch or two into both two tubes, connecting them together to eliminate the bending stress.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: audBall on February 02, 2024, 06:35:15 PM
Whole thing weighs 269g

Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: checht on February 02, 2024, 06:58:22 PM
How wiggly is it with the outrigger arms in place and the entire thing supported by that single vertical duel-lyre suspension in the center?  Using different suspension elements less capable than the Rycote Lyres to do something similar in suspending everything above the stand-connection point as one single unit, I found that achieving just the right springiness was a challenge. Needs to be floppy enough to effectively isolate the array from solid-born vibration transmitted through the support stand, yet at the same time, firm enough to not tilt or droop too easily. In playing around with that last year I was not able to get that to work satisfactorily, so have gone back to rigid mounting for now.

I'd definitely try it with the spaced pair mounted directly to the rods as that will make it significantly more streamlined.  Little adjustable-angle mic clips extending out from the ends of the tubes would be great, making it exceptionally visually clean by placing the mics in-line with the rods, and that would also maximize the spacing you can achieve.  Extra credit if you are able run a small diameter mic cable through each tube!
Getting the suspension right has been tough. I tried w Rycote single lyre mounts, Schoeps regular and heavy elastics, and the AKG shock mount, but none were right. It was a Goldilocks situation. I took a chance and ordered the dual lyre, and lucked out. It's a bit more see-saw than I'd like, but reducing the weight/leverage at the end of the booms has helped a lot. I've got some active cable clips from SRS and will bolt them directly onto the rod clamps, for a lighter and lower profile mount.

I've been thinking about reworking my rig with carbon fiber tubes in place of the TV antennas for long time, but don't want to give up the super small diameter and telescoping extension feature.  All the bits for making telescoping c/f rods I've seen use tubes of an overly large diameter, typically boom poles, and use large locking telescopic fittings which aren't necessary for this application.  Just need them to telescope in/out with a hard-stop and a friction fit that makes them sufficiently rotationally stiff.  Stunt-kite style c/f tubes are about the right diameter but telescoping end bits for them don't seem to be available. Would be really great to incorporate a very small diameter mic wire through the telescoping c/f tubes, but that wire would need to be spring-coiled to accommodate the telescoping. Fortunately all the mics I'm using on arms are currently two-wire.
C/F has great benefits, but is harder to machine and make homebrew solutions for. Great idea on running the wire through the tube, I think my tubes are large enough to accommodate the binder plugs on my active cables, will try tonight.

How well do those little clamps secure the two highly cantilevered rods?  Any sign of sagging or is the center mount stiff enough to avoid that, as well as being strong enough to avoid cracking at the base of the clamps?  If that seems like it might be a potential problem, you might make a piece that inserts an inch or two into both two tubes, connecting them together to eliminate the bending stress.
The rod clamps are made to use with 15mm al rods for video camera setup, and are very robust. I tested them by putting a lot of force on the ends of the tubes, with no deflection noticable. When I add my angle wedges, the tubes won't be parallel any more, so I'd need to make a 3D printed piece to insert.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: al w. on February 02, 2024, 09:33:30 PM
Nice setup!
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on February 05, 2024, 10:22:16 AM
Thanks.  That further confirms my suspicion that the best solution for suspending the entire array as a single unit while avoiding excessive see-sawing is sufficient spacing between the suspension points, which the dual lyre arrangement helps to achieve.  The suspension points can be spaced vertically or horizontally, either way it spreads out the rotational see-saw moment across a larger lever arm.  The dual lyres can be used in either orientation, but are most compliant in the axial direction.

In my next build I'm thinking of trying a few spaced-apart low durometer Sorbathane pucks around the periphery of a horizontal plate that forms the center hub.  Will take some prototype testing with headphones on.

It kind of looks like that center X/Y mount allows for adjustment of X/Y angle.  Is that the case?
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: checht on February 05, 2024, 10:37:09 AM
Yes, the main part has slots in which curved pieces fit and rotate to set x/y.
There is also a 3rd slot down below for more vertical spacing of caps when using large windscreens.
See renders, attached.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on February 05, 2024, 02:21:06 PM
That's well thought out and very cool!
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: checht on February 05, 2024, 03:31:40 PM
Mr. Bucket,

Your comments got me thinking, and I've updated with a very low-profile and light mount for the omni caps.
It uses the neoprene expansion nuts that I didn't use for mounting the booms due to their deflection. In this application, the weight and leverage are so minimal that deflection isn't an issue.
See photos below.

Still have to design and print wedges to angle the booms back to get them behind the x/y pair, but almost complete!
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: phil_er_up on February 06, 2024, 06:49:53 AM
Nice set up Chris. Gets me thinking about if I should change up my rig...
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: rocksuitcase on February 07, 2024, 11:21:21 AM
That is some good looking modifications. kindms owns a camera rail set up with 15mm carbon fiber rods we occasionally use for split dpa omnis. he purchased the stock rotating mounts for them and attach the nbob active clips like yours to that. Your idea is very ingenious.
Thanks for showing us.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on February 14, 2024, 01:08:41 PM
Chris, you've inspired me to think more fully through the next revision of my OMT8 rig, which I've been planning on reworking for a while.  See the attached PDF if interested.

The primary change will be the central support hub. The arms and overall geometry remain the same as before and I plan to stick with the black telescopic TV antennas for at least the outer portion of the L/R arms out to the omnis, but might switch to carbon fiber kite tubes for inner portion of those, or not.  Also may use carbon tubes for the rear facing pair arms, since I don't actually telescope those in use.  My most recent previous revision switched out the center forward-reaching telescopic TV antenna arm for a standard folding mic-clip, since like the rear-facing pair I no longer actually telescope it in use, and I plan to retain that standard folding clip so I can easily switch between the stereo shotgun I'm currently using in that position, the DPA/Naiant Mid/Side pair it replaced, or any other M/S pair I want to try.

The new single-piece central support structure will replace a stack of several aluminum arm supports I've used and reworked for over 15 years, supporting all five arm attachment points with the correct a pentagonal geometry, eliminating the need for little angle tweaks between arm pairs to get everything lined up right when deploying it on the stand, foot, or clamp or whatever.  That should both simplify and streamline the arrangement, cleaning it up nicely.   

The key component here is the pentagonal top plate (in orange in the PDF) to which all the arms attach. I'll probably build just that part first with a spigot stud on the bottom which mates to my various support options, the same as my current rig works.

But I've gone ahead and drawn it up with vibration isolation incorporated into it to reduce solid-borne noise transmission though the stand and cable. As mentioned, incorporation of suspension is really just something of a nice to have addition for me, but.. it will be nice to have, and this is an opportune time to consider it in the redesign.  To do that the spigot stud gets moved from the top plate to a lower plate, which supports the top plate though 5 Sorbathane damping 'pucks' of sufficiently low durometer to be effective, positioned around the periphery of the top plate between arm attachment points so as to form a sufficiently wide support basis that hopefully keeps the top plate part and arms stable and not too wiggly.  Bottom plate would be a spider or asterisk shape to allow the arms to fold down bewteen its notches for stowage / transport.

Also considering incorporating a multi-pin connector into the bottom plate, to which the cable bundle could be disconnected.  Alternately, that will be a good place to incorporate Cat 5 /6 baluns which would eliminate the current cable bundle and further streamline things, but I'd still need two Cat 5 /6 cables to support all 8 channels.

I plan to fabricate this from aluminum plate, but also thinking it could be nicely 3d printed, using sufficiently tough materials such as whatever Scott at SRS uses.

PDF of the current concept is attached.  The key illustrations are all on page 1. Page 2 is just an aesthetics comparison of a few different top plate shapes.  I'm leaning toward the slightly starfish shaped version over the inflated pentagon.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: checht on February 14, 2024, 01:33:26 PM
Very interesting and inspiring! A number of innovations in the new design which I'll be very interested to observe, the al plate and isolation system primary among them. Going to ethercon snakes makes sense, and I'd also take a look at what Redco has in 8 channel just to consider the convenience of 1 cable/connector.

Please keep us updated as you go along, pictures much appreciated.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on February 14, 2024, 04:20:11 PM
Will do, and thanks for the tip on checking out the Redco options.

Thinking further on wiring.. If the unicorn of a two-wire miniature fig-8 actually existed I could potentially fit everything through a single 9-conductor connection, in which case a single ethercon run using shielded Cat 5 / 6 (shield acting as shared ground) might work.  Would super slick to be able to use a single Cat 5 / 6 run between the mic-array and the recording bag!  Not sure about that though as it would require spiting up the individual wires of each twisted pair between two different microphone channels and I'm unsure if cross-talk might be too much.  In a typical ethercon run supporting 4 balanced connections the twisted pairs are a benefit rather than a potential problem because each mic channel is assigned its own twisted pair, and any cross-talk between the two wires of the pair will be common-mode rejected by the balancing.

But to support any real-world-available fig-8 (balanced 3-pin XLR) requires one additional wire making for 10 conductor paths total, and supporting the stereo shotgun I'm currently using requires two additional wires (5-pin XLR at the mic, both Mid and Side balanced), requiring 11 conductors total with a shared ground.

If I didn't go ethercon, a single 9-pin D-Sub connector using the D-shell as the 10th contact for the shared ground would suffice in support of an unbalanced Mid through my current multi-conductor snake.  In that case an off-the-shelf VGA monitor extension cable might work for the run from the mic array to the PFA/XLR-adapters at the recorder. And before incorporating the stereo shotgun into the array that uses a balanced Mid, that was my plan.  But I probably won't go that route now because I want to support the balanced shotgun and accommodate alternate balanced center stereo-pair options.

Two ethercon connections could of course do it of course, as that could fully support 8 balanced mics.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: rocksuitcase on February 15, 2024, 12:50:47 PM
I'm leaning toward the slightly starfish shaped version over the inflated pentagon.
excellent design concept(s)
I like the starfish version. Seems more "flexible" for your storage style
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on February 16, 2024, 10:40:55 AM
Yeah, functionally, I think they'd work pretty much same.   I mostly think the starfish version just looks cooler and more purposefully designed!  Going to go with that one.
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on February 23, 2024, 12:48:34 PM
Haven't cut any metal yet but now have a few different windscreen options for the new center stereo shotgun.

Posted some photos of modding a Movo windscreen to make it the correct length in a separate thread this morning: https://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=204450.msg2408439#msg2408439
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: rocksuitcase on August 24, 2024, 06:20:56 PM
This is probably the finest, to my ears, OMT4 recording we have done since using the DPA 4061's as our Omnis.
The venue is basically outdoors with a nicely shaped wooden roof.
(If anyone wants the raw samples I can provide)
N2: https://archive.org/details/phish2024-08-10akgck3dpa4061
ch1/2: AKGck3  (hypercardioid) PAS > Grace Lunatec V2 >
ch3/4: DPA 4061 (omnidirectional) spread 8 feet apart>
recorder: Tascam DR-680|SD
processing: SD| Audacity|cdwaveditor|TLH|foobar2000 tagger

The rig pic shows the ck3s in the multi color ratties and we had the DPA's on windtech clamps on stands with an 8 foot spread this night
(Also more rig pics in the "see more" dropdown photo area)
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: checht on August 24, 2024, 07:16:08 PM
So cool!

8' seems like a lot, did you listen to just omnis much before mixing? Jim and Doug used to run a spread that big or larger outdoors at the Greek and Frost, with nothing in the middle, and we loved'd the sound, so I'm curious about how yours sounds...

Nice work!
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: rocksuitcase on August 24, 2024, 09:52:27 PM
So cool!

8' seems like a lot, did you listen to just omnis much before mixing? Jim and Doug used to run a spread that big or larger outdoors at the Greek and Frost, with nothing in the middle, and we loved'd the sound, so I'm curious about how yours sounds...

Nice work!
I did. There did not seem to be too much hole in the middle, BUT, every time, the addition of the center channels seemed to make things "snap into place". There is a serious amount of warmth with the just omnis. I recall the OADE's would do those plexiglass plates and the spread omnis. I was patched out of them for GD Austin 1985 where they ran spread omni schoeps with a middle channel. "like butter"     8)
Title: Re: Oddball microphone technique (OMT) - part 4
Post by: Gutbucket on August 29, 2024, 12:38:06 PM
I've been out of town and haven't had time to comment here yet but that Bethel Woods show sounds great Rock!

To my ear, nothing conveys the same depth, warmth, and a the same sense of "big, natural sounding there-ness" like a good wide omni spread.  Totally agreed with the "snap into place" comment.  The center pair really nails down a solid center anchor along with upfront midrange articulation and clarity. 

I realize that I tend to think of and describe this stuff from a point of view that's the opposite of how most tapers tend to think about and approach it - for me the omnis are the primary foundation and the center pair improves things by reinforcing what is needed but to some degree already present in the omnis, just weak.  Most tapers probably think of it the other way around, considering the center pair as the primary pair and the omnis a the "nice to have addition" which improves the center pair.  Does that conceptual difference matter in any way? Probably not.  Mostly just a philosophical difference I suppose, but I do wonder how that plays out in how folks approach taping.  Looking at it from the opposite perspective, is the stuff the omnis provide that the center pair lacks on its own already there in the center pair but just weak?  Some of it sure, but I do think one fundamental difference is that the spaced omnis provide good diffuse field decorrelation, or rather, achieve sufficiently low diffuse field correlation (..which is what non-taper acousticians and recording engineers associate with the contraction DFC. It doesn't read as Dead F****** Center to them) responsible for much of the perceived depth, warmth, and a the sense of "big, natural sounding there-ness" of the room ambience and audience portrayal.  That isn't just weak in most near-spaced or coincident center pairs, its not really there at all.. maybe it is in a Blumlein pair, but that's more of a special case, and in a Blumlein pair the balance of that stuff verses the direct sound from the stage and PA isn't adjustable afterward in the same way that it is in a OMT4 arrangement.

So cool!

8' seems like a lot, did you listen to just omnis much before mixing? Jim and Doug used to run a spread that big or larger outdoors at the Greek and Frost, with nothing in the middle, and we loved'd the sound, so I'm curious about how yours sounds...

Nice work!

As I've probably speculated about too many times already in the OMT threads and elsewhere (apologies for repeating myself too much), outside of the microcosm of concert taping, recording a PA from a position in the audience presents a very strange acoustic scenario.  I think a wide omni pair is capable of working alright on its own in that situation, without necessarily producing an egregious hole-in-the-middle as would be expected in a more typical recording situation, partly because of the unusual geometric relationship between two wide spaced PA arrays and the wide-spaced omni pair, combined with having a large degree of correlated mono content through the PA (the solid center stuff).  The mono content from the separated PA stacks positioned on opposite sides of the stage reaches each omni on the same side in a phase coherent way, while the cross-path from the PA on the opposite is delayed by some milliseconds.  While the non-mono decorrelated stuff through the PA (there is probably more of that than  panned correlated content) is further decorrelated to both omnis. That's a very unusual acoustic situation that will only occur with a wide spaced PA and a relatively wide-spaced omni pair centered and oriented parallel to it.

I think that's why wide omni splits can work for tapers while they otherwise wouldn't elsewhere, even though it's almost always better with the addition of a center pair (or SBD). 

If all this reads as Greek, just ignore it!