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SMF Trader System - Detailed Feedback
Detailed Comment I sent Chris $120 USD at the beginning of November 2015. This was sent alongside a set of AT853s Card Mics which needed rewiring. The money was to pay for the re-wire and return postage. Chris Church quoted this price for us to do business (via PM on here as it happens).

8 MONTHS LATER  I have received nothing. Full payment of the $120 USD was sent and accepted back in November.

I had repeatedly asked for my mics and money to be refunded and sent back (after I hit the 4 month point and my patience waned). Chris Church would not honour this and wouldn't send my mics back or refund me, stating he would 'get to my mics'.

Due to his poor attitude in e-mail exchanges (repeatedly asking me who I was, what my address was and what goods I had shipped) I started to post here to try and create a little more noise and get him to either reimburse, fix and return or just do something.

This led to some rather unpleasant lies from Chris Church stating he had mailed me and I had not replied. PURE FABRICATION and mud slinging from him as 8 moths and no action I called him out on in a thread here.

This is not an isolated incident. MANY others have suffered a similar fate. I am clear now after his recent engagement with me (July 2016) that I will not get my mics or payment back (either broken or fixed).

He has now requested further monies (a miserly $18 CAN he refused to pay after my 8 month wait) from me to pay for return shipping (despite me having already paid up front for this as above). After months of trying patiently to coax my goods and money out of this cowboy, I have not been able to. I have posted about our dialogue on here in thread that is now running at 17th pages and over 250 postings. BE VERY AWARE, this is not a guy to business with. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I am down the full cost of a set of AT853s and $120 USD.

Comment by: polewka
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