
Gear / Technical Help => Cables => Topic started by: willndmb on June 14, 2006, 01:47:20 PM

Title: Coax cable questions
Post by: willndmb on June 14, 2006, 01:47:20 PM
ok i am totally new to coax cable and am confussed/getting confussed more by some of the threads i have read
i did learn aes and coax are not the same
can someone tell me...
is coax and spdif the same thing?
then, whats a "good" coax cable to buy "reasonable" priced?
finally, where can i get it?

i want to run from a ua-5 > MT

thank you
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: ghellquist on June 14, 2006, 02:19:48 PM
>>>i did learn aes and coax are not the same
True, AES uses what looks like a normal mic cable. Three pin XLR in each end. In the real world any standard mic cable can be used for AES, but if you want to run a long lenght (hundreds of feet), use a special cable. (By the way, AES stands for Audio Engineering Society. XLR is the Canon X series of connector, with a Latch and a Rubber ring).

>> is coax and spdif the same thing?
Coax is cable technology. The word really is short for coaxial. In a coax cable there is in inner leader, isolation and an outer tube as the second leader. Hence the world coaxial, meaning both have the same axial.

spdif is short for Sony Philips Digital Interconnect Format. It is really a book describing how to do things.
There are several versions of spdif. The most common ones use optical cables. This version is often known as Toslink. (I think it was Toshiba that invented it).
The next most common version uses RCA connectors and a 75 ohm coaxial cable. (RCA by the way is Radio Corporation of America). The RCA connector was not really meant for this kind of usage, but it sort of works.

>>> then, whats a "good" coax cable to buy "reasonable" priced?
>>> finally, where can i get it?

To boil it all down, if you run a short cable with SPDIF you can use just about any cable. Digital sort of either works or not. If you get a sound it works, if all you get is pops and noise it is not good. Go to any radio shack, music store or low-end hifi store and ask for an SPDIF coax cable and they will suggest one at a reasonable price. Look for things like the length of the cable and if it looks able to withstand a bit of abuse. Avoid the high end audiophile shops, they will probably suggest a $3.000 cable as that makes them laugh all the way to the bank.

Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: willndmb on June 14, 2006, 02:24:51 PM
thanks +T
so tech what i want is a spdif cable with RCA ends to go from a ua5 out to say a microtrack
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: ghellquist on June 14, 2006, 02:30:53 PM
so tech what i want is a spdif cable with RCA ends to go from a ua5 out to say a microtrack
Yes, simple as that.

Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: Brian Skalinder on June 14, 2006, 02:31:24 PM
so tech what i want is a spdif cable with RCA ends to go from a ua5 out to say a microtrack

The MicroTrack has a very narrow space for the RCA casing (sorry, not sure quite what to call it).  I recommend taking your MT with you to confirm the cable fits.
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: Chris K on June 14, 2006, 02:43:04 PM
The MicroTrack has a very narrow space for the RCA casing (sorry, not sure quite what to call it).  I recommend taking your MT with you to confirm the cable fits.

or get a nice one from ed (ts.com id deadheaded) at www.kindcables.com who made mine. good prices...great cables. fits the microtracker like a glove
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: willndmb on June 14, 2006, 04:34:44 PM
thanks guys
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: heath on August 01, 2007, 11:55:26 AM
for the record, coax can also be used to carry AES.  we used it all the time in the broadcast world.  just a fyi.  not that it pertains to willndmb's issue. :)
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: goodcooker on August 02, 2007, 01:40:25 PM
the difference being that coax(spdif) is 75ohm and AES is 110ohm.

You can get away with using all sorts of stuff but you really should use appropriate impedance cable.

Monster cable works in a pinch, but like someone mentioned earlier, you should take the device with you to the store to make sure the connectors fit. Monster, for example, has big fat connectors on most of their line. I would try to find something with a right angle Switchcraft connector.

I used some custom short cables from AVcable.com with my ua5. Did not fit well on the v3.
I second the kindkables route. Everyone speaks highly of Ed's work.
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: heath on August 02, 2007, 02:36:07 PM
coax is actually in the AES spec.  Most broadcast routers/switchers are made for AES over coax using BNC...
Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: manitouman on August 05, 2007, 01:42:28 AM
Nick's Picks is making my cable for the same exact application you are using yours for. Good prices and quick turnaround. And he is aware of the Microtrack plug-in being narrow.

Title: Re: Coax cable questions
Post by: JoeKiller on August 06, 2007, 10:37:08 AM
Another pimp to Nick, he made my SPDIF cable for the MT and it works great!