Gear / Technical Help > Microphones & Setup

Oktava MK012 Modification...


hey now , i was curious if anyone here was using the oktava mk012's with the modification , or if theve tried the modification themselves..  if so what were the results.. ive read that these mics can almost duplicate a neumann km184 after being modified.. and others say the mod doesnt help a bit.. please let me know..peace

after thoroughly studying this and listening to the samples, I would say the differences are subtle. however, I'd really like to listen on a better playback system. my mk-012's are from guitar center, I believe I'm betting some help in getting them modded.

but anyway, check the archival section for brian's thread on the mc-012 mod.  for even more info, leaf through the pages of this very forum until you find the original thread about the mods, there's some links in there to some samples I believe.


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