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Axiom speakers?

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I've been researching speakers for an upcoming purchase and I came across the axioms....specifically the m60ti floorstanding.  Anyone heard these or have any info??  Everything I read is very positive....which makes me nervous.  :P

I'm also looking at the KEF Q5 and Q7 and the Swan 4.1 + 5.2.

Any other speaker recs in the $800 range are appreciated!!!!

If you like bright (which I suspect you do a you are looking into Kef's) then the Axioms are great.  The finish isn't all that great, but good speakers if you like the sound.

I have yet to listen to any of the speakers.  I've been reading tons of reviews and looking at specs to try and get an idea of what to go listen to.   Not sure if I like the "bright" description......I guess I'm not gonna know till I go listen to a ton of speakers........ :P

Any recs in the $800 range are greatly appreciated!

Thom Joad:
I have a pair of M22's that I've had for maybe 6 months or so.  I would characterize them as "detailed" rather than "bright."  I drive mine with an Audio Refinement Complete Int., which is one of the "warmer" sounding SS amps that I've heard, so it's a pretty good match.  I imagine tubes would compliment these speakers really nicely.  I was a bit worried buying the Axioms sight unheard (factory direct only), but the 30 day no risk, free trial, won me over.  Give 'em a try, as in mics., only YOUR ears can tell you what you like.


Many do attribute brightness to detail.  I didn't say they were harsh.  I think "warmer" gear is a must.  The Rocket 550's are warmer and in you price range.  Very good speakers, but more of a 5th row laid back speaker.  B&W 603 S3, Energy, Monitor Audio, Paradigm, Klipsch, and PSB all have offerings in your range.  There are many others as well, but it would probably pretty easy to listen to the mentioned.


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