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Noob question about getting in

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What do you do when you get to the concert and there are 10 cops each holding a metal detector? I turn around and take the mix pre and the high and gear back to the car and use the cell phone. how do you guys get into these places?


--- Quote from: OkieFromRigel4 on March 30, 2018, 06:52:50 AM ---What do you do when you get to the concert and there are 10 cops each holding a metal detector? I turn around and take the mix pre and the high and gear back to the car and use the cell phone. how do you guys get into these places?

--- End quote ---

Please respond via private message.

Nobody wants to see the hoff here.

I usually climb up to the roof then sneak in through a ventilation duct, Mission Impossible style.

Jedi mind tricks. 

Prison wallet :o


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