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Right channel suddenly drops mid-recording

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I have been recording for the last year with the following setup:

Schoeps MK-4V > nbob active cable > nbox platinum > RCA to stereo cable > Sony PCM-M10 (line-in input)

The entire rig other than the Sony PCM-M10 were purchased a year ago (purchased new).
In the last two concerts that I went to, at the middle of the show, the right channel drops to very low levels and there is some noise that is suddenly added to the channel.
I am taking very good care of my equipment and I have made sure that the batteries in the M10 and in the nbox are charged.

I have tried to replicate this behavior while not in concert and I haven't been able to.
I only record stealth. My Schoeps mics are stationary and I never remove them from their holder.
I didn't want to start tinkering with the equipment mid-concert (settled for a mono recording), so once the concert ended, I unplugged the mics from the line-in input and plugged them into the mic-in input.
Both channels worked as expected. I then plugged the mics to the line-in input again and suddenly everything worked great.

I have attached the sound file where the channel suddenly drops. I would love to hear any suggestions since I am really baffled by this behavior.
Thank you in advance.

Clean all connections thoroughly, particularly the TRS stereo mini plug > M10 line-in jack.  Also consider gaff-taping the miniplug securely to the M10 so it cannot be accidentally pulled out ever so slightly, which can make one of the signal paths go intermittent/noisy or drop out entirely.

Thank Gutbucket for the quick reply.
Can you please advise on what is the best way to clean the M10 line-in jack without damaging the electronics?
Mid-show, when I saw the channel dropped, I did try to twist the mini stereo connector and push it in deeper to see if it could reconnect but it didn't work.

99% Isopropyl alcohol (95% works too, just contains a bit more water) or electronics connection cleaner like Caig Deoxit.  You can use a tiny brush (like a mascara brush) to clean the jack, or simply clean the plug well, then re-wet it with alcohol or cleaner and plug/unplug/rotate it in the jack to clean the internal jack contacts.

What I posted earlier is the first thing which comes to mind, a common problem, and will be good practice to do anyway..
..but I just listened to your sample and it doesn't sound like a dirty or intermittent connection because it seems to manifest as a quick clean fade, not as an immediate cut-out and has no apparent scratchiness or noise during the fade.  That suggests an alternate issue such as a change of gain or loss of power to the mic capsule.

Do you have any guesses to what may be the culprit for the power drop in the right mic capsule?
The strange thing is that it happens mid recording. In the first show it happened after 34 minutes and in the second after 20.
The only thing that comes to mind is maybe some issue with the batteries in the nbox in case the batteries are separated for the different channels.
I switched now between the capsules to rule out an issue with the mics but I think it must be something else.
I am also attaching the right channel drop from the first concert. Maybe it can provide some additional information.


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