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SD 744T syncing SBD patch with microphones

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Hey ya'll...

When using a Sound Devices 744T to record a 4 track recording while taking a line out of the soundboard and hanging up microphones, could anyone offer some tips on how to sync the soundboard with the mics so the timing would be perfect going into the 744T, and not be off?

Thanks in advance for any help.

The general rule-of-thumb is 1 millisecond per each foot of offset (actually closer to 1.1 ms/foot), if that's what you're asking for.

As to the specifics of how to go about setting channel delays on a SD 744T, I'm not much help.

Thank you Gutbucket...that is exactly the info I'm looking for.  I don't know how to do the setting either...yet, but then again, I didn't think I needed to until now.  I'll look at the manual to see how, but didn't know how to figure out the difference.

Most devices limit the delay to 30 ms.

If I'm over 30 feet back, I have no business recording ;-)


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