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garden hose speaker cable

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so i came across a KILLER deal on audiogon for a 7 foot bi wire pair of audiomagic sorcerer speaker cable (like 20 % of retail price)

they came today.  jesus, these things are thick.  what the hell am i supposed to do with them?  can't wait for the speakers to arrive to hook them up.  did a trial run with just the thick line on the old tannoys and damn, i've never heard bass like that from these speakers...

but what the hell?  soooo thick

oh they're actually very flexible, much more flexible than the 1 meter sorcerer interconnect i used to have

but soo thick.  and yes that read 20 percent of retail not 20% off retail.   but had i known they were so thick....

Aren't the Tannoy's self-powered ?

tannoy makes plenty of regular speakers...

any more still available on audiogon?


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