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Author Topic: very simple setup for stealth recording  (Read 61731 times)

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #60 on: November 15, 2008, 12:14:08 PM »
Sorry bout" that. I was simply  pointing out the dumb-ass elitist comments that were the target of my comments.
Carry on

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #61 on: November 15, 2008, 12:36:44 PM »
This guy wanted some advice we gave it to him lets not kick the shit out of someone for starting out in this hobby and not knowing anything.

Saying it again: It is the lack of effort and lack of motivation.   You get out of it what you put into it.  He doesn't want to put anything into it.

I think what happens is simple. People dont really realize how good the audio can be when its done right so they go on this journey of discovery. They buy a recorder and some of them think that the built in mics will work great. Then they discover they do not.. So at this point they will ether sell the recorder and never tape again or ask the next big question... How do I make my recordings sound better? That will get a huge range of answers..

1- Get a better recorder
2- Use external quality mics
3- Use a battery box or preamp
4- Learn about mic placement on the body.

If they make it past this phase they will be on the right path to better audio but for some people they just dont understand the mechanics of getting good sound and what is possible. Once they know that things can sound like a cd with good placement and a good sounding show they get bit by the "upgrade bug" Something most of you are very familiar with.

But not everyone gets to the same place at the same time and some never get why external mics and other gear is so important.. The Digital recording device companies have done a great job on advertising and convincing the novice recordists that all they need is the H2 or R09 and all his or her recording problems are over... Well we know that is simply not true, but I am pretty sure most of us learned that the hard way.

Its a great hobby where someone can spend as little as $250 and get some pretty good recordings or as much as $10,000 and get some really good recordings. There are no limits to the money that can be spent.

In the end the novice must ask them selves what do I want to accomplish with my recordings Great sound a true sense of being there or just a cheap reminder of the show? Unfortunately most of these guys and girls dont ask that question first and end up wasting alot of cash. But all of this is part of the learning process.

There are some good points there.

Back in the 80's I used to record with my Sony WM D3.

I had no clue about a good taping set up. Let alone there was something like Taperssection. But it was the best my money could buy at the time. And although against today's standards the recordings don't match up. I still treasure my recordings. It's not always about the quality. In the first place it's about the music itself. I prefer good music over good sound quality.

Nowadays I love my Core Sound Stealthy Cardioid set. Great stuff...use it for 10 years now.
But I have to say, I don’t mind it. I do object when I see people sticking microphones up my nose, in the front row. If I see anyone doing that [laughs] I’m going to have security remove them. Because that’s just obnoxious. But I don’t mind if people come and discreetly at the back make a recording of it. And I know that it’s just for their own use, for the superfan.
(Steven Wilson , interview )

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #62 on: November 15, 2008, 12:45:10 PM »
"I have one motto for taping, either do it properly or not at all.That's precisely why I don't mess around with "stealth" recording. >:DI've recorded a few shows in "stealth", so I can understand and respect the desire to do it. I mean; it's a little "f--k you to The Man""

I take your comment as , unless you're "open" taping, you're not doing it "right" I reading this wrong?

The majority of stealth tapers aren't doing as a big "fuck you" to anyone....they are doing it because it needs to get taped and people like you aren't gonna get it done. Bottom line.

I think the open taping vs stealth taping is an open door. No one can win or lose this discussion.

However I do find a lot of artists off the record don't mind taping at all , but they can't allow it due to their record contract.
Like last April I was talking to Matt from Shadows Fall. He has told on many occasions he , and everyone in the band , doesn't care. But they signed a big contract with Atlantic and they can't officialy say yes. He literally told me he and his band has tried to persuade their management to allow their fans to tape their gigs. But he said they've given up on that. When I asked him if he didn't mind if I'd be taping he said go ahead and good luck !
I've also had bandmembers get my gear in at shows to avoid trouble with the venues.
On many occasions I've given old recordings to bands that came to town. And I've never had someone pointing the finger at me.
I've found even when most bands don't have an official policy , countless really don't mind off the record.
But I have to say, I don’t mind it. I do object when I see people sticking microphones up my nose, in the front row. If I see anyone doing that [laughs] I’m going to have security remove them. Because that’s just obnoxious. But I don’t mind if people come and discreetly at the back make a recording of it. And I know that it’s just for their own use, for the superfan.
(Steven Wilson , interview )

Offline newplanet7

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #63 on: November 15, 2008, 12:51:55 PM »
Sorry bout" that. I was simply  pointing out the dumb-ass elitist comments that were the target of my comments.
Carry on
Good day sir.
MILAB VM-44 Classic~> Silver T's~> Busman PMD660
News From Phish: Will tour as opening act for Widespread Panic for Summer
hahaha never happen, PHiSH is waaaaayyyy better the WSP

They both ain't got nothing on MMW... Money spent wisely if you ask me...

FYI, it is a kick ass recording of a bunch of pretend-a-hippies talking.


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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #64 on: November 15, 2008, 01:25:00 PM »
Yes Mr.Ekib, that's what I was getting at. That the "excuse" of the select (not all!) "open only" tapers use in order to slam stealth tapers in hopes to ,again, set up another form of a this particular case one based on morality.( If its not that, then they use the "gear quality" arguement, not that then they use. The "booltegging" arguement,...if not that they- at least they use to- use the "Ts" system) Fact is, most musicians really don't care, its about selling the recordings and their contracts that are the cause of the issues.

Offline newplanet7

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #65 on: November 15, 2008, 02:00:55 PM »
If its not that, then they use the "gear quality" arguement, not that then they use. The "booltegging" arguement,...if not that they- at least they use to- use the "Ts" system) Fact is, most musicians really don't care, its about selling the recordings and their contracts that are the cause of the issues.
I agree with this 100%.
Tapers do slam each other with the gear quality thing all the time, regardless of open or not.
In the end though it's all subjective.

I for one dig what you stealthers do, even if I don't grab those shows.
I don't think I'd have the patience or determination to get it done.
MILAB VM-44 Classic~> Silver T's~> Busman PMD660
News From Phish: Will tour as opening act for Widespread Panic for Summer
hahaha never happen, PHiSH is waaaaayyyy better the WSP

They both ain't got nothing on MMW... Money spent wisely if you ask me...

FYI, it is a kick ass recording of a bunch of pretend-a-hippies talking.

Offline Belexes

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #66 on: November 15, 2008, 02:10:11 PM »
Stealthing is the gateway drug that gets many addicted to taping, which leads to the hard stuff (Sound Devices 7xx's, DPA's, Grace Design, etc).
Busman Audio BSC1-K1/K2/K3/K4 > HiHo Silver XLR's > Deck TBD

CA-14 (c,o)/MM-HLSC-1 (4.7k mod)/AT853(4.7k mod)(c,o,h,sc)/CAFS (o)/CA-1 (o) > CA-9100 (V. 4.1)/CA-9200/CA-UBB > Sony PCM-D50/Sony PCM-M10


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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2008, 02:15:12 PM »
I really don't see it in "open tapers" and "stealth tapers" terms..I see it as there are people who care about the music and want to get it taped...these people are called "tapers"...whether they run open or stealth it doesn't matter-they are doing it for the same reason.  And then there are those people (open and stealth, *mostly* "open only (elitist)" though) that are in it for the wrong reasons. Those people are the "lifestyle tapers". The ones that slam others, mock others gear, preach morality and do whatever else they can to make themselves feel better by attempting to make others appear to be a lesser person (or lesser taper)


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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #68 on: November 15, 2008, 02:17:44 PM »
Mr.Belexes..get off of the internet and get to transferring some DATs!! :P

Offline newplanet7

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #69 on: November 15, 2008, 02:20:05 PM »
I really don't see it in "open tapers" and "stealth tapers" terms..I see it as there are people who care about the music and want to get it taped...these people are called "tapers"...whether they run open or stealth it doesn't matter-they are doing it for the same reason.  And then there are those people (open and stealth, *mostly* "open only (elitist)" though) that are in it for the wrong reasons. Those people are the "lifestyle tapers". The ones that slam others, mock others gear, preach morality and do whatever else they can to make themselves feel better by attempting to make others appear to be a lesser person (or lesser taper)
Great point.
And I might go out on a limb here by stating that people who actually
do try to make people feel less than about their gear etc....
also do it in other facets of their life.
I do know people that are like that more so out of our hobby.

Stealthing is the gateway drug that gets many addicted to taping, which leads to the hard stuff (Sound Devices 7xx's, DPA's, Grace Design, etc).
Well done!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2008, 02:25:02 PM by newplanet7 »
MILAB VM-44 Classic~> Silver T's~> Busman PMD660
News From Phish: Will tour as opening act for Widespread Panic for Summer
hahaha never happen, PHiSH is waaaaayyyy better the WSP

They both ain't got nothing on MMW... Money spent wisely if you ask me...

FYI, it is a kick ass recording of a bunch of pretend-a-hippies talking.

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #70 on: November 15, 2008, 02:25:55 PM »
Hi there, i am also a newbie on here and would like to record the gigs that i go too for listening again at home. generally we are standing at gigs and need a stealth recorder which will convert / record directly to mp3 format. I have done some internet searches and like the look of the Edirol R-09HR which you guys seem to give a good review on this thread. If i were to buy one of these would i also need to buy external mics to go with it or would the internal mics give me a good recording from say inside a shirt pocket to be played on an Mp3 player. also Is there anywhere where i can listen to a recording made on one of these with and internal mic on this forum??
I look forward to hearing your expert help which will be of great benifit to me.

Why waste money on good external mics/recorder to record in mp3...??

what is the best format to record in then??? long term i will probably end up listening to the recordings on my ipod so will any other type of recording give me any further benefit

You are better to record in Wav format and listen to it in Wav format. It will take up more space but nothing beats a Wav file. 44.1 16 bit is fine.
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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2008, 03:09:50 PM »
I really don't see it in "open tapers" and "stealth tapers" terms..I see it as there are people who care about the music and want to get it taped...these people are called "tapers"...whether they run open or stealth it doesn't matter-they are doing it for the same reason.  And then there are those people (open and stealth, *mostly* "open only (elitist)" though) that are in it for the wrong reasons. Those people are the "lifestyle tapers". The ones that slam others, mock others gear, preach morality and do whatever else they can to make themselves feel better by attempting to make others appear to be a lesser person (or lesser taper)

And I think you pretty much said all there is to say on this subject.
Very good point. I agree 100%.  ;)
Mics..........................SP-CMC-8, HLSC-1 and HLSO-MICRO
BB and Preamps........MM Micro bb / MM Custom Elite bb / Church 9100
Recorders...................Tascam DR-100MKIII, Marantz PMD 620 MKII, Edirol R-09


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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #72 on: November 15, 2008, 03:18:53 PM »
Yeah, I'm done talking about it...I have to go put some bunk-beds together now.

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #73 on: November 15, 2008, 04:14:51 PM »
Yeah, I'm done talking about it...I have to go put some bunk-beds together now.

Have fun  ;D
Mics..........................SP-CMC-8, HLSC-1 and HLSO-MICRO
BB and Preamps........MM Micro bb / MM Custom Elite bb / Church 9100
Recorders...................Tascam DR-100MKIII, Marantz PMD 620 MKII, Edirol R-09

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Re: very simple setup for stealth recording
« Reply #74 on: November 15, 2008, 05:50:46 PM »
Wow, I haven't checked the forum for a few days and I see more than 70 messages... First thanks for the replies. I think Freelunch missed the point. It's not that I don't want to do any research. On the contrary I have spent hours reading forums, etc. As for my not being willing to bother, it's just that the concert I would like to record will probably be a one time opportunity for me, so I want to enjoy it... And I prefer to end up with a mediocre (or even a bad) tape having truly enjoyed the show than having a good tape but the impression I 'missed' the moment.

With respect to the technical side, I am now thinking about getting a very 'stealthy' external mic. In fact I was even thinking about recording in mono so that I have only one mic to position and to pay attention to. One question: if you have a microtrack and a pair of mics plugged, can you record mono and just use one of them? And does the file take only half the size of a stereo one then? I know, I could a get a single mono mic but I might want to record in stereo another time.

Thanks again guys.



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