
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: hammerhorror on September 18, 2007, 12:56:20 PM

Title: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: hammerhorror on September 18, 2007, 12:56:20 PM
I have read through the user manual on my 702 recorder trying to find a way to set the record levels on an auto setting to no avail.

I would never use auto level control for recording concerts, but I want to use it for recording audio at court hearings I am video taping. The recorded audio file is then sent to the laptops of the court reporters (stenographers) for later listening when finishing up their transcripts.

Plus, the court reporters like to monitor the recording via the headphones as they are typing the transcripts, so I need the recorder to ride it's own levels.

I am not able to be near the recorder to ride the levels, and the dynamic range of the various people speaking is too great for me to just set it and forget it (many of the people present at these hearings don't understand the concept of using a microphone properly). I would do this if I had time to normalize or compress the dynamic range before handing off the file to the court reporters, but they expect the file on their laptops before they leave for the evening.

I am surprised that Sound Devices wouldn't add this feature, but it seems it is manual recording levels only.

Is there something I am missing?  ???
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: Brian Skalinder on September 18, 2007, 01:12:59 PM
I don't see it in the manual, either.  I'll gladly rent you my $150 iRiver H-120 with AGC.  :P
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: TNJazz on September 18, 2007, 03:49:52 PM
Just pick up a cheap compressor - Alesis 3630 comes to mind right away for something like this.
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: mmedley. on September 18, 2007, 04:21:11 PM
Crank it up and turn the limiter on?  ???
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: Brian on September 18, 2007, 06:17:46 PM
Crank it up and turn the limiter on?  ???

i was just about to say the same thing.  or is there no limiter on the 702?
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: Charlie Miller on September 18, 2007, 06:36:49 PM
Crank it up and turn the limiter on?  ???

i was just about to say the same thing.  or is there no limiter on the 702?

744T has one
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: ghellquist on September 19, 2007, 01:16:07 AM
Real men ride the faders all the time. No autogain in the 7xx series, the machine is simply not targeted at that use. The idea is instead to faithfully capture exactly what comes in.
There is a limiter but it does not do quite the same thing, it is more of a last resort against totally unusuable recording when levels are totally off.
In the application you describe I would not expect the 702 alone to be perfect solution. You will need to add things around it. One possible addition is to do the autogain thing in software when listening to the sound, another solution would to add a compressor or similar before it. But you would then need a mic preamp as well. I guess one solution might be a nice location mixer, say a SD442, but those are up in the nice price class as well.

Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: F.O.Bean on September 19, 2007, 01:44:50 AM
id set levels at 50% and turn the limiter on. its better than nothing or spending another 2k in gear
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: boojum on September 19, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
My solution would be to simply fix it in post processing.  Pretty easy and you probably already have the software.  If not, Audacity is free and plenty good for ENG apps.

Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: hammerhorror on September 19, 2007, 03:14:52 PM
Thanks for the tips guys. I am going to use my Fostex FR2-LE, which does have auto level control.

There is no budget for a compressor, or time for editing in post.

I did a test between the 702 using the limiter (with the gain turned up), and the Fostex using ALC, and the Fostex will better suit my needs for this application.

Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: JasonR on September 19, 2007, 04:51:41 PM
John - if you haven't done so already, consider adding a feature request on SoundDevicesSupport.com  Much as I'd like to be an optimist and say they might implement the idea and go after a broader market, more likely you'll just get some responses from other users that this is a good idea, and the feature may show up in limited form in a couple years.  ;)  Still... it can't hurt to ask.

- Jason
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: boojum on September 19, 2007, 05:09:19 PM
Thanks for the tips guys. I am going to use my Fostex FR2-LE, which does have auto level control.

There is no budget for a compressor, or time for editing in post.

I did a test between the 702 using the limiter (with the gain turned up), and the Fostex using ALC, and the Fostex will better suit my needs for this application.


 FWIW    Audacity has a compressor function in it.
Title: Re: Auto record levels on Sound Devices 7xx series recorders?
Post by: F.O.Bean on September 20, 2007, 12:10:39 AM
well, glad to hear you have found a solution, no matter what the recorder is :)

I cant wait to get my Busman Vintage Mod fr2-le :) I hope its a good match with both my 483's and my MBHO Cards/Hypers. After hearing tonedeafs Bake-Off thread comparison, I am a little sketched about those combos tho :( Altho his comp was with an Oade Warm Mod fr2le(which should technically have MORE warmth one would think than the Busman Vintage Mod) who really knows tho. I just would HATE to get the damn thing and not like it with EITHER the 480's or the MBHO's. I was hoping for a similar sound to the 722, as I think the 480's and the MBHO's are BOTH a perfect match with the 722, and was hoping I could run two rigs at the shows I record, and have two killer recordings with a nice touch of warmth and transparency ala the 722, so I could listen to them individually and see which I preferred at each show(I AM NOT matrixing my 2 sources together), but that comp def has me worried that the mod may still be too thin sounding with either pair of mics. I guess there is only one way to find out......I guess if it is too thin sounding, I could always resell and get an Oade ACM 671 to run as my second all-in-one box.......I think an Oade acm 671 would sound great with either pair of mics(483's and MBHO's)

hammerhorror, is your fr2-le modded? if so, which mod? and how do you like it with your mics ???
