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worth doing a dat-jb3 compare?

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has anyone done a comparison of a recording from a JB3 and DAT from the same source? could there be any difference if the jb3 is bit-accurate?

Nick in Edinboro:
There's been many a test, all of which concluded essentially that the JB3 is bit-perfect given that it's source is "compatible".  Some A/D's don't jive well, some do, but when paired with those that do "jive" you'll get a bit-perfect copy.  Check out a few searches for bit perfect JB3 as there were a few tests done previously.

Sean Gallemore:
skalinder did a comparison.

Kevin Straker:
What's the max rate on the JB3? I didn't think it would do 48kHz. But hey WTF do I know. I was just curious, thanks.

Sean Gallemore:
it'll do 48


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