
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: adventuregeorge on January 25, 2004, 09:06:41 PM

Title: Newbie To the Taping world!!!!
Post by: adventuregeorge on January 25, 2004, 09:06:41 PM
Alright, Here it goes.... I'm totally new to this, but I'm extremely anxious to started!!  I have gotten  this far, I want to use my laptop to record the shows.  I'm looking at a M-Audio Mobile Pre USB preamp and has a built in audio interface to work with the laptop.  But that's it... I need help with good mic selection, stands, cables ect... editing software and what ever I'll need to get started.

This forum is great, and I'll take any advice to get this rookie going!!!

Thanks~ George
Title: Re:Newbie To the Taping world!!!!
Post by: Tim on January 25, 2004, 09:16:45 PM
give us a budget and we can hit you with ideas.

also, what type of music in what kind of venues? clubs, theatres, arena's?

Title: Re:Newbie To the Taping world!!!!
Post by: adventuregeorge on January 25, 2004, 09:23:26 PM
my budget around $500 - $800.

I want to tape mostly Jam bands, but any good rock 'n roll show would be good.

As far a venues, I guess it varies... summer it would be outdoors, winter mostly theaters.

Thanks Tim for the response

Title: Re:Newbie To the Taping world!!!!
Post by: jpschust on January 25, 2004, 11:08:20 PM
you can get a lot with 5-800 in the used market.  i highly suggest buying used mics that retain their value- that means stick close to the AT's, AKG's, Neumann 184s might be just a bit high on your range, but a great mic nonetheless, there's a ton out there.  what I might suggest doing is perusing the for sale section and then asking about individual mic sets you come across.  I know there are a pair of SC-T's in there that are at the bottom end of your price range, letting you save some money and possibly put it into other gear like stand, tbar, batteries for your lappy, shockmounts, etc.