
Gear / Technical Help => Playback Forum => Topic started by: Jammin72 on March 05, 2008, 06:01:50 PM

Title: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Jammin72 on March 05, 2008, 06:01:50 PM
Good friend of mine just unboxed his new (to-him) VR-2's.  Real quick setup, hasn't tuned 'em to the room yet but his second response outside of the wonderful detail.

"Man the Bass is way too polite".

You folks with these speakers what's your take?  How did you tweak 'em to get more present low end if that applies.


Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Javier Cinakowski on March 05, 2008, 06:48:15 PM
My guess is he is used to speakers with bloated and inaccurate bass...

I think I remember someone on this board running a subwoofer with their VR-2's.. (perhaps Nick?)
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Tim on March 05, 2008, 07:06:02 PM
has he got any weight in them yet?
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: nickgregory on March 05, 2008, 08:16:07 PM
he needs to spike them, and if he hasnt bi amped them I cant speak to the results he would have as mine are bi wired and I dont notice any lack of bass...
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Jammin72 on March 05, 2008, 09:26:29 PM
Definitely used to much more bloated system yet still... you kind of want Phil Lesh in an arena to sound like Phil Lesh in an arena not like he's in a Jazz club.  Speakers came with the lead shot already in them.  I've had no personal experience so thought I would throw it out here.  My advice was to get them a bit closer to the wall and reserve judgement till they were placed on the Plinths.

Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Nick's Picks on March 06, 2008, 07:12:40 AM
If they are new, then they need about 400 hours of break-in before they really start to "bloom" in the bottom.
that is what will fatten and sweeten with time.

but...they are anything but bass shy!  25hz ..far from shy.
In a HUGE room, they are still pretty impressive.  In a small room...wow.
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: bkirby on March 06, 2008, 04:44:09 PM
I have no such problems on bass (shakes my room just fine). Mine were a tad bass-shy when new, but turned a corner after about 100hours of break-in. If they are used and with lead-shot already installed, I would think there may possibly be a setting on his upstream gear or a problem with them! Hope it all works out...

Brad K.
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: flipp on March 06, 2008, 04:52:21 PM
Not familiar with any of the VonSchweikrts but a lack of bass always makes me double check the hook ups to make sure they aren't wired out of phase.
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: carlbeck on March 06, 2008, 06:14:32 PM
For sure they need to be spiked & loaded with sand or lead shot. I noticed an improvement in my 4 jr's when I replaced the stock spikes. Depending on the size of his room they should be more than adequate. Also make sure they are set up properly to get proper imaging.
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Jammin72 on March 06, 2008, 06:14:37 PM
Thanks for all the replies!!  I'll let everyone know what gets uncovered.
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: scb on March 09, 2008, 10:33:40 PM
i have alway had mine spiked, but i currently don't since I moved last weekend and lost 2 of the feet for the spikes.  I can crank up the volume tomorrow and let you know if i think there's a lack of bass without the spikes
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Jammin72 on March 11, 2008, 04:12:41 PM
An update for those interested.  The speaker wires that were being used were found to have a bit of corrosion.  After clipping off the affected area bass indeed got more involved.  New wires are on the way and rig migrates to a new smaller room shortly.  I'm going to assist with setup as best I can via the phone and we'll see what the verdict is then.  Mr. Watts is shipping his DA-3000ES over to assist in the power department.  ;)
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Brian Skalinder on March 11, 2008, 04:43:31 PM
Mr. Watts is shipping his DA-3000ES over to assist in the power department.  ;)

That's a nice combo, the same I use:  Sony STR-DA3000ES > VR-2s.  Not quite the detail and umph as my previous pre/amp separates, but it sure sounds mighty fine for the money.  Have fun!
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: Jammin72 on March 11, 2008, 10:34:02 PM
Mr. Watts is shipping his DA-3000ES over to assist in the power department.  ;)

That's a nice combo, the same I use:  Sony STR-DA3000ES > VR-2s.  Not quite the detail and umph as my previous pre/amp separates, but it sure sounds mighty fine for the money.  Have fun!

I run The 3000-> Tao Research Monitors/Passive Subs (Dynaudio Drivers in an Oade Designed cabinet and crossover) and have to agree that it's pretty silly the ability of that single component to throw up a soundstage over a quiet background. Especially at the going used rate of $400...  :o
Title: Re: VonSchweikert VR-2's - Light on the Bass?
Post by: RebelRebel on April 12, 2008, 10:01:37 AM
My vr-4s were a bit "tight" in my room (heavily carpeted and treated) so what I did was remove all of the dacron material inside(which I thought had been put there by Nick Georges)...more low end immediately(a guide I have to the VR-4s says that it is ok to remove the stuff for different bass response). the vr-2s have that material too, I believe.

"Tuned to 25 Hz, the enclosure enables very tight bass due to the staggered resonances of the three internal chambers which are damped by Dacron polyester stuffing material."