
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: DisturbedPyro on March 18, 2008, 06:05:12 PM

Title: iriver h320 - installing roxbox - help!
Post by: DisturbedPyro on March 18, 2008, 06:05:12 PM
ok so i got an iriver h320 and im looking into getting it rockboxed. i know i need the bootloader and the firmware/build to make rockbox work. i got the build for the iriver h3xx from http://build.rockbox.org/ so thats all good

now im looking at the "Installing the Rockbox bootloader" instructions on this site: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ManualRockboxInstall#Installing_Rockbox im looking at the bootloader section. it says: "The US H3xx firmware is not currently supported and cannot be patched to be used with the bootloader. If you wish to install Rockbox on a US H3xx, you must use an international firmware which will permanently remove DRM support from the player.  If you are using the US H3xx model you will need to either first flash it to an international bootloader, or flash the hacked bootloader twice (Above note still applies)"

i do have a US version. i dont know exactly what the DRM is but i know thats used with the media port and is not necessary for recording or data transfer or anything like that...right? so its not a big deal if i permanently remove the DRM support from the player...right?

so then it has a list of different links to the bootloader for the h3xx:
H320 and H340 INT  1.28k 
H320 and H340 INT  1.28eu 
H320 and H340 INT  1.29k 
H320 and H340 INT  1.30eu 
H320 and H340 INT  1.29j 

which should i download? ive been told it doesnt matter which i download, is this true?

so i have the right build and once someone tells me which bootloader i should get, then im all set to follow the instructions to install them right?

but i see on this site: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-h300/rockbox-buildch2.html#x4-60002 it says: "If you wish to install Rockbox on a US Iriver H320 and H340, you must first install a non-US version of the original firmware and then install one of the supported versions patched with the Rockbox bootloader." - a non-US version of the original firmware...so thats the build right? so should i not use the build i said i downloaded above? im so confused... ???

oh and do i need to install fonts? or is it just something you can do but its not necessary?

thanks for walking me through this, whoever helps me out. im trying to figure all this out but theres some stuff i just dont know and i have no idea which bootloader to get...
Title: Re: iriver h320 - installing roxbox - help!
Post by: DisturbedPyro on March 18, 2008, 10:51:23 PM
alright...ive followed all the steps here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ManualRockboxInstall#Installing_a_Rockbox_daily_build to install the bootloader and the build. i patched the H300.hex file with the fwpatcher. it said it was successful. i moved that onto the root directory of my iriver, i.e., i opened the H drive in my computer and replaced the old .hex file with the newly patched one. i also moved all the stuff in the zipped build file to the same directory. so i have the .rockbox folder (build) and the now patched H300.hex file (the bootloader.) so that should be it right? but i see no change when i load up the unit. the only thing i didnt do is "flash" it. i dont know what the whole flash thing is talking about. i have a basic idea of what it is but i dont know how to do it. im looking here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/FlashingRockbox on info about how to flash it, but i have no idea what its talking about...help...please

but it says here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ManualRockboxInstall#Installing_a_Rockbox_daily_build "The build contain a file named rockbox.iriver and a directory called .rockbox which are located in the root of your jukebox's hard drive." the rockbox.iriver file was INSIDE the .rockbox directory. the above quote makes it sound like they are separate and the rockbox.iriver file should be in the root directory and not in the .rockbox directory. so i moved it...and still nothing
Title: Re: iriver h320 - installing roxbox - help!
Post by: red on March 18, 2008, 11:39:11 PM
I don't think it matters which version you you download, so long as it supports rockbox.  I installed one of the k versions on my h320, as I was advised it allows for more options (none of which I think I've ever needed to use).

This thread might help you:

If you're still having problems I can try to help you tomorrow.  Also, Petur will likely see this thread and offer some help. 

Good luck, and don't feel discouraged, you will have it up and running soon.
Title: Re: iriver h320 - installing roxbox - help!
Post by: petur on March 19, 2008, 04:41:14 AM
so i have the .rockbox folder (build) and the now patched H300.hex file (the bootloader.) so that should be it right? but i see no change when i load up the unit. the only thing i didnt do is "flash" it. i dont know what the whole flash thing is talking about. i have a basic idea of what it is but i dont know how to do it. im looking here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/FlashingRockbox on info about how to flash it, but i have no idea what its talking about...help...please

Yes, you still need to 'flash' it. This means, you use the 'upgrade firmware' function: after starting your h300, long-press the NAVI button and select the GENERAL menu/icon. There you will see a FIRMWARE UPGRADE entry you must execute.

Do this only with batteries that are full enough! It will take about a minute, and the h300 will power down itself when the upgrade is done. When you power it up again, you should see the rockbox bootloader (do not panic, it is indeed text mode and ugly)

I advise you to install fonts and co so you can select a nice looking theme....
Title: Re: iriver h320 - installing roxbox - help!
Post by: DisturbedPyro on March 19, 2008, 10:03:44 AM
so i have the .rockbox folder (build) and the now patched H300.hex file (the bootloader.) so that should be it right? but i see no change when i load up the unit. the only thing i didnt do is "flash" it. i dont know what the whole flash thing is talking about. i have a basic idea of what it is but i dont know how to do it. im looking here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/FlashingRockbox on info about how to flash it, but i have no idea what its talking about...help...please

Yes, you still need to 'flash' it. This means, you use the 'upgrade firmware' function: after starting your h300, long-press the NAVI button and select the GENERAL menu/icon. There you will see a FIRMWARE UPGRADE entry you must execute.

Do this only with batteries that are full enough! It will take about a minute, and the h300 will power down itself when the upgrade is done. When you power it up again, you should see the rockbox bootloader (do not panic, it is indeed text mode and ugly)

I advise you to install fonts and co so you can select a nice looking theme....
petur you rock! thank you for explaining it to me in english. you said exactly what i needed to do instead of just saying: "flash the firmware, then install this and patch it and then flash it again." simple as that right? i have no idea what most of that means until now. you made it make sense. thanks a lot!
Title: Re: iriver h320 - installing roxbox - help!
Post by: petur on March 20, 2008, 05:01:26 AM
Pleased to be able to help.
Have fun!