
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: Donnie L. on June 29, 2008, 01:58:38 PM

Title: fuerio won't recognize my burner?
Post by: Donnie L. on June 29, 2008, 01:58:38 PM
HI Audio folks,

thanks for any replies in advance with this issue. I've been trying to burn seamless .wav files from flac. I've got tapers little helper, winamp, flac frontend, roxio, and recently fuerio. however, when I tried to burn some .wav files converted from flac on furio, it says it doesn't have a burner. yet, roxio and every other program recognizes the burner. fuerio recommends that I dis-engage all other burner programs, honestly, I don't know how to do that without "removing" the other programs, I really don't want to un-install those programs. It also on the support link recommends finding the most up to date driver (ASPI) for the "hostadapter". I would love to try fuerio becuase so far with roxio , it sounds like I'm getting sector boundary issues on the indexes becuase they are not seamless. Now the next big question is: becuase I downloaded this stuff from archive.org is that the reason the .wav's are not seamless, do I have to be from a "torrent" to achieve that, or by simply downloading the flac files individually from a posted website good enough? (I tried to download a aud copy of GD 10-16-89)

any replies are greatly appreciated....please help me get this thing off the ground!


Donnie Loeffler

PS I wouldn't mind un-installing roxio if Fuerio can copy my DVD video as well, otherwise I'm keeping my roxio , one click copy program.
Title: Re: fuerio won't recognize my burner?
Post by: Donnie L. on June 30, 2008, 12:47:06 AM
Hi Folks,

I figured this thing out finally.  After about a week, I thought why not try a different way to get the files into to roxio since fuerio didn't recognize my burner.  I was told on archive.org that fuerio is somewhat old and doesn't do video so it won't recognize a DVD burner probably.  Well, I simply went to the part of Roxio that asks me to "import" not simply select files and dump them into the part that allows a bonehead like me to make a "mix" CD.  This part of the program is a little more sophisicated and more detailed it seems.  So, I put in the tracks, it imports them, then I burn, and there were no "tiny" gaps on between the indexes.  Not a TAO gap, but it sounded like a sector boundary issue.  So, I'm off to get all the aud's that I had in my collection before my ex-wife got rid of it all.  Do folks trade stuff here.  I did get back about 80% of GD CD collection, but all my master DATs of 10 years plus, and all my non GD, and commerical CD's are still back at the house waiting to go through a dreaded property settlement.  However, I won't be surprised if it was destroyed and or sold; she already sold many of instruments and professional recording gear; I'm a musician.

anyway, some things are looking better everyday, I finally got some down load stuff happening!

see ya,

Donnie L.

PS I used to be on BUDD back in the mid 90's , with fishman, lance deal (he was never on, but we used to trade) jim wise, rob bertrando, all the heavy tapers, good people, I think Charlie Miller was there, and Theo B. etc 10 years of a bad marriage will drop you out of the scene!  I"M BACK!