
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: Wiesel on September 19, 2008, 05:07:24 AM

Title: SP C4s - mic clips (no more shock mounts?)
Post by: Wiesel on September 19, 2008, 05:07:24 AM
I'm thinking about buying a pair of SP C4s additionally to my DPA4061s for open taping purposes since months. Now I just wanted to place an order but noticed that they come with microphone clips - I always thought they come with shock mounts and all pictures I've ever seen of the set show shock mounts, not even the SP website tells anything.

What I would like to know is - should I try to get a pair of the old ones with shock mounts or should I take the new ones with mic clips?

I'll probably never use roll-off so for me it doesn't matter if it's the old version with the combined rolloff/pad switch. Nearly all of my recordings are metal bands where rumbling is not unusual, so I, without having any experience with such mics, tend to shock mounts. What do you think?
Title: Re: SP C4s - mic clips (no more shock mounts?)
Post by: John Willett on September 19, 2008, 09:26:45 AM
Personally, I would get tham as they come and then get Rycote InVision mounts for them.

In fact I would get InVision mounts for your DPAs as well.

I am changing all my shockmounts over to InVision.  Technically better than just about anything out there at any price and priced extremely low (£30 each in the UK).


This is a set of ~typical~ responses.;D

Title: Re: SP C4s - mic clips (no more shock mounts?)
Post by: Wiesel on September 20, 2008, 01:12:59 PM
Thanks but I don't want to spend any money on additional mounts, at least not yet. That's why I wanted to know if the shock mounts are any better than the clips :)