
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: Xpanding Man on December 19, 2003, 01:53:38 PM

Title: SF 4.5 problem - can't open a saved file
Post by: Xpanding Man on December 19, 2003, 01:53:38 PM
this ever happen to anyone ?  all of a sudden, for some reason, i can't open anything in soundforge, not even a 50 MB song on a boot drive with over 2GB of open space, and a 2nd hard drive with dozens of gigs open....

it starts to open the file, starts counting the % up from 1, and by the time it reaches 100% , it freezes....have to CtrlAltDelete and close the program that way....this blows as i have alot of tweaking to do of some dead shows that were converted from cass and/or liberated boots, plus a few shows that need sample rate conversions....

oh yah, i can't find my source disc so reinstalling is not an option; unless one can reinstall without the source disk...

help ?
Title: Re:SF 4.5 problem - can't open a saved file
Post by: nic on December 19, 2003, 02:06:53 PM
you may be able to re-install it without the source cd.

under program files SF should have created a "setup" directory inside the Sonic Foundry folder.
you MAY be able to re-install from there
Title: Re:SF 4.5 problem - can't open a saved file
Post by: Swanny on December 19, 2003, 03:03:37 PM
What OS are you running? Have you installed any other programs that may have copied over any drivers?
Title: Re:SF 4.5 problem - can't open a saved file
Post by: Xpanding Man on December 19, 2003, 03:34:58 PM
still running win98 for safety reasons....don't trust MS 2000 productst yet at all. :alien:
Title: Re:SF 4.5 problem - can't open a saved file
Post by: Brian Skalinder on December 19, 2003, 03:37:42 PM
still running win98 for safety reasons....don't trust MS 2000 productst yet at all. :alien:

Ugh...Win98.  I'm sorry.   :P

I'm a power-user (but not an uber-geek) and FWIW my experiences with Win2k over the last few years (after tweaking the background services) have been absolutely rock solid.  You could always dual-boot and then if you're satisfied with Win2k blow away the Win98 partition.
Title: Re:SF 4.5 problem - can't open a saved file
Post by: Swanny on December 19, 2003, 04:12:11 PM
Win '98 is garbage. I would only run NT 4.0 SP6, 2000, or XP Pro for audio programs, they handle the larger files much better. You could go through and turn off some of the uneeded background processes and see if that clears up your problems, but a new install may be in order. Download Pro Tools its free for win 98.
Title: Re:SF 4.5 problem - can't open a saved file
Post by: Xpanding Man on December 19, 2003, 07:10:11 PM
Download Pro Tools its free for win 98.

wha wha what ?  had no idea....i had a friend crash here for a few days when she and her boyfriend got in a fight; she installed AOL IM while I was at work one day; since then nothing has been the same with my PC....i may finally have to upgrade to that imac or (for now) install win2k

muchas garcias,