
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: LEDZEPZOSO on October 16, 2008, 08:13:09 PM

Title: Looking for recomendation
Post by: LEDZEPZOSO on October 16, 2008, 08:13:09 PM
I am thinking of picking up another recorder. Right now with the 30% off with Paypal/Ebay and I have a second coupon for 10% off of any purchase so now is a good time to buy.

I want to use the recorder to transfer all my DAT's to my hard drive so a digital in is a must. I am thinking the Microtrack II from my reading. The price is not that much more then a Microtrack I.

I am looking to go from my Tascam DA30>Digital Out> Recorder>CF/SD Card>Laptop>Hard Drive. Would this be consider keeping the lineage digital? I guess I should of ask this question first.
Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: flipp on October 16, 2008, 10:31:09 PM
Why not go Tascam > Laptop direct with something like a VX2? One less link in your chain.
Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: flintstone on October 17, 2008, 10:26:56 AM
If you're looking for a pocket-size recorder, the only new models
less than $1000 with digital input are the M-Audio Microtrack 2
(SPDIF electrical via RCA jack) and Sony PCM-D50
(SPDIF optical via 1/8-inch jack).

Over-the shoulder models with digital input for less than
$1000 include the Marantz PMD671 and Tascam HD-P2.

You could connect your DAT to your PC directly.  Some sound
cards have SPDIF input.  Or you could use an external interface
like the M-Audio Fast Track Pro or the Edirol UA-25EX.

Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: Massive Dynamic on October 17, 2008, 11:20:17 AM
I go R300 optical out > RockBoxed iRiver H120 > computer via USB. I couldn't find any info whether the DA30 had optical out, so that may not be an option for you.
Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: taperwheeler on October 17, 2008, 11:38:54 AM
There's an MT 1 up for sale in the yard sale at $150...fyi

But as an MT2 user, just wanna say, am very happy with my device.
Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: LEDZEPZOSO on October 17, 2008, 07:57:42 PM
+T all the way around. I should of stated from teh start that I am using a laptop so the sound card is not a option.

There's an MT 1 up for sale in the yard sale at $150...fyi

But as an MT2 user, just wanna say, am very happy with my device.

With the two ebay discounts I can get a new MT II for $133 with shipping. That is why I am thinking about making the jump to this unit
Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: LEDZEPZOSO on October 18, 2008, 12:59:14 AM
Why not go Tascam > Laptop direct with something like a VX2? One less link in your chain.

I tried to google a vx2 and getting to many results that is not related. I did a search here for the VX2 on taper section and really did not get any results. Did you have any more inffo.

Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: flipp on October 18, 2008, 01:04:18 AM
product page for the digigram VXpocket v2

Title: Re: Looking for recomendation
Post by: sunjan on October 18, 2008, 04:15:11 PM
Why not go Tascam > Laptop direct with something like a VX2? One less link in your chain.

I tried to google a vx2 and getting to many results that is not related. I did a search here for the VX2 on taper section and really did not get any results. Did you have any more inffo.


Am I missing something? If you will only use this for transfers at home, when you have AC power, there's no requirement to go for a PCMCIA card. You can just pick up any external USB soundcard with SPDIF-in.

Like the TerraTec Aureon 5.1 USB, selling on Ebay for $70:

Maybe this is not trusted taper gear, but there are other external boxes that are proven bit perfect and still a lot cheaper than the vx2. Of course the Digigram gear is sweet, but if you're not going to use it in the field you'd get better value by going for an external card.