
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: Sharky on January 15, 2004, 03:24:44 PM

Title: Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: Sharky on January 15, 2004, 03:24:44 PM
I am just getting into the taping scene and have a few questions.

I cant understand why people are so stuck on having units that have digital Line-Ins. It seems to me that for live music, an analog Line-In would work fine. Because, after all, the source you are recording is analog.

Can someone explain to me why having a digital-in is so important for a live recording rig?

Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: nickgregory on January 15, 2004, 03:27:00 PM
simply because the analog -> digital converting equipment in most portable decks is cheaply made and sounds it.  By having a digital in you can use a stand alone Analog -> Digital converter, which sounds significantly better.
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: Brian Skalinder on January 15, 2004, 03:27:59 PM
http://www.taperssection.com/yabbse/index.php?board=14;action=display;threadid=4237 (http://www.taperssection.com/yabbse/index.php?board=14;action=display;threadid=4237)
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: Brian Skalinder on January 15, 2004, 03:28:37 PM
Dang, beaten to the punch again!!   :)
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: Sharky on January 15, 2004, 04:10:45 PM
So, how do we tell if a unit has a good ADC built in or not? Do we just have to determine this by ear, or is there a scientific way to do this? I would hate to pass up such a great unit like the Gmini220 just because it has a analog line-in. Because, as far as we know, until we test it, it could have a decent ADC built in.

Also, what do these SonyMD recorders do? I asume many of them are using the built in ADC...right?
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: cpclark on January 15, 2004, 04:22:27 PM
this is just my opinion now, but i highly doubt the adc in the archos gmini series is anywhere close to the quality that pro gear would provide, shit even the acd in the sony dat line isnt great, i would imagine that the gimini is similar to a sony minidisc adc, i.e....crap
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: Sharky on January 15, 2004, 04:37:39 PM
so, in general, what does having a "bad" ADC do to the sound? make it flat sounding, take out base, make it too trebbly, etc.?
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: timP on January 15, 2004, 05:00:47 PM
good questions that I have been wondering on myself...
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: jpschust on January 15, 2004, 05:29:00 PM
well a bad adc can sound like any number of things, most often times it sounds pretty tinny (meaning sharp and treble-ish), somewhat muddy and lacking in clear low end.  
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: Sharky on January 15, 2004, 06:30:42 PM
is it a sound issue like you said (tinny, bad low ends), or is it more of an issue of possible dropouts, clicks, etc?

 I wish I had the equipment and money to really test this out. I would like to hear the difference between a recording using a hightech seperate ADC, and an onboard ADC.
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: thoman8r on January 15, 2004, 07:11:56 PM
is it a sound issue like you said (tinny, bad low ends), or is it more of an issue of possible dropouts, clicks, etc?

 I wish I had the equipment and money to really test this out. I would like to hear the difference between a recording using a hightech seperate ADC, and an onboard ADC.

Definitely a sound issue.  Remember the gmini is a *CONSUMER-GRADE* piece of equipment.  It wasn't built for pros and the adc will most likely suck, IMHO.  
You will notice a considerable sonic difference between the onboard adc on the archos and an outboard adc, even a cheaper one like an adc-20.  I don't even think that's a matter of opinion.

Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: Lil Kim Jong-Il on January 15, 2004, 07:12:30 PM
I wish I had the equipment and money to really test this out. I would like to hear the difference between a recording using a hightech seperate ADC, and an onboard ADC.

There is a big difference, but if you have a low-end playback system the differences won't be as astonishing as if you have a high-end playback.  But don't be fooled into thinking that just because you can't hear the difference now, it's not there and doesn't matter.

Concentrate on getting the best quality recording as early as possible.  Eventually you will get better playback gear and you'll be glad you did.  I have decent gear today, but I started with CM300s straight into a Sony D7.  I thought those tapes were awesome.  Guess which tapes I have that I never listen too now?

If you really want to hear the difference, take some CDs or DATs recorded with different rigs into a highend audio showroom and ask for a demo.  Among other differences, the lowend ADC will sound grainy and poorly defined compared to the better ADC.  
Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: thoman8r on January 15, 2004, 07:17:42 PM
The most important thing is even if you don't plan on using an outboard adc right now, make sure you buy a recorder, whether it's hard drive, dat, md, or whatever, that is capable of taking a digital signal.  You'll really regret not doing so when it comes time to upgrade your gear and you need to ditch your recorder too because it only has the analog input!

Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: John R on January 15, 2004, 07:30:50 PM
generally, the more money you spend, the better gear you're going to be able to  get, and the better your recording can sound.  but, like nick said, you may not be able to hear it right away. some good playback gear will tell the tale.

before i get flamed, you can get bad recordings with $10k worth of gear.  and, you can get awesome recordings with $1k worth of gear.  hang out here, read a lot, check the yardsale, and make some informed decisions on you first rig purchase.  you may get redirected by those pesky moderators a bit, but don't take it personally, they do it to everyone.

welcome aboard

Title: Re:Analog-In vs. Digital-In
Post by: twatts (pants are so over-rated...) on January 16, 2004, 01:34:54 PM
The most important thing is even if you don't plan on using an outboard adc right now, make sure you buy a recorder, whether it's hard drive, dat, md, or whatever, that is capable of taking a digital signal.  You'll really regret not doing so when it comes time to upgrade your gear and you need to ditch your recorder too because it only has the analog input!

Very very good point to consider.
