
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: jerryfreak on June 26, 2009, 02:01:39 AM

Title: MT2 - how stable is it now relative to MT1?
Post by: jerryfreak on June 26, 2009, 02:01:39 AM
i wasnt thrilled with the random lost files, crashes, reboots, and general instability of the MT1.

as a bit bucket, how relaible is the MT2. would anybody really trust it to be their only bit bucket on a rig? i wa susing it as a backup in the past. now tha tthe price has dropped quite a bit, i was thinkinga bout picking one up.
Title: Re: MT2 - how stable is it now relative to MT1?
Post by: rsimms3 on June 26, 2009, 08:29:16 AM
Title: Re: MT2 - how stable is it now relative to MT1?
Post by: jbell on July 05, 2009, 09:21:36 AM
Here is a good price on the MTII!  Bought mine here and he ships really quickly

Title: Re: MT2 - how stable is it now relative to MT1?
Post by: cavernut on July 05, 2009, 10:44:41 AM
Hi Jerry

The MTII is very stable, however make sure you get the latest firmware update.
There was an issue with the original firmware update.
I have never had a problem with crashes, reboots, or instability.
I have been using mine for over two years now.

Michael Foy