
Gear / Technical Help => Playback Forum => Topic started by: rePat on April 09, 2010, 09:28:46 AM

Title: For those auditioning Home Servers, Squeeze Servers, DAAP Servers
Post by: rePat on April 09, 2010, 09:28:46 AM
I am involved in a great Open Source Project called Amahi Home Server http://www.amahi.org .  It has a lot of features ready to go out of the box, and a burgeoning one click install App Gallery that includes such media-centric apps as DLNA Server, Squeezebox Server, Amahitunes (a DAAP/iTunes server), Jinzora, and even MythTV backend is in testing.  As a long time taper, I think its a great solution for media storage and streaming to your network.  It is based on Fedora, with an Ubuntu version in development.  I encourage everyone to check it out, and feel free to stop by the IRC Channel http://talk.amahi.org  or #amahi on irc.freenode.net with any questions.  I go by the same username there.

