
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: mikeLo on June 27, 2010, 08:10:22 PM

Title: JB3 - need a new 1/8" digital/analogue input jack
Post by: mikeLo on June 27, 2010, 08:10:22 PM
hey there,
i had a recent mishap with the input jack on my jukebox.
was switching between analogue and digital cables to locate the problem with the signal out of the board.
found i couldn't insert the optical - as the tip of the 1/8" analogue plug had broken off and lodged itself in the jack.
i've all but given up on being able to remove the tip using tweezers, coctail straws etc.
have searched online for the part and have only located a pdf of the part, but no suppliers of the same.
anyone ever swap this part out and have a lead on where they can be purchased ?
thanks in advance!
Title: Re: JB3 - need a new 1/8" digital/analogue input jack
Post by: papajohn on June 29, 2010, 11:48:45 PM
I have a JB3 that I am no longer using as the HDD drive and during replacement the device never survived.  Do you want it for parts?  I have no idea what it's value is, but I would be willing to part with it for a couple of dvd's of good sbd jazz recordings.

John L
Title: Re: JB3 - need a new 1/8" digital/analogue input jack
Post by: Johnny Thunder on June 30, 2010, 11:36:56 AM
You might want to try carefully applying a dab of JB Weld to the broken plug and inserting it. Let it set up over night then pull it out. That might be alot easier than replacing the jack. I'd be careful about only applying a very small amount of the JB Weld though. You don't want it to seep out to where it'd bond the plug to the jack. If you try this I'd be VERY interested to know if it works for you. JB Weld rocks. ;)

Title: Re: JB3 - need a new 1/8" digital/analogue input jack
Post by: mikeLo on July 06, 2010, 08:16:47 PM
haha, as intriguingly stress-inducing as the JB weld project sounds, i'm very happy to say that papajohn has hooked me up with some spare parts, so the level of difficulty in getting the machine back to work has been greatly reduced.
thanks and props to papajohn!

(though once i've replaced the plugged jack, i'm certain i'll someday try to remove the broken tip...will post here if the JB weld - or other epoxy-related rescue is successful...or not)