
Gear / Technical Help => Battery Boxes, Preamps, Mixers, ADCs, and Processors => Topic started by: DMBprez on July 09, 2010, 12:35:27 AM

Title: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: DMBprez on July 09, 2010, 12:35:27 AM
I recorded UM tonight, and the peak light was on pretty consistently.  I did this with the advice of other tapers.  The levels came out WAY too hot.  What is the deal with this light?  Do I want it on time to time? Not at all?

The last recording I did lacked low end and had weak high ends.  Almost no UMPH, to it.  No pun intended.  So I turned the Sensitivity knobs up tonight, and lowered the output volume, apparently this was not good.  Here is a sample, anyone know if I can do anything with this one? Or is it a lost cause?

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: Cheesecadet on July 09, 2010, 12:47:20 AM
The clip light comes on at -3db...I usually run my levels a little hot and the clip light will occasionally come on but you definitely do not want it on all the time.  At least in my experience.

I always ran optical out or spdif out and never had output volume problems...don't know what to tell you about that one.
Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: twatts (pants are so over-rated...) on July 09, 2010, 12:59:51 AM
The clip light comes on at -3db...I usually run my levels a little hot and the clip light will occasionally come on but you definitely do not want it on all the time.  At least in my experience.

I always ran optical out or spdif out and never had output volume problems...don't know what to tell you about that one.

My experience as well.

Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: Brian Skalinder on July 09, 2010, 07:49:23 AM
So I turned the Sensitivity knobs up tonight, and lowered the output volume

This suggests you're running analog-out of the UA5 and analog-in to a recorder.

If you're running digital-out of the UA5, there are 3 opportunities for overloading:

If you're running analog-out of the UA5, the opportunities for overload include the three above plus:

Can you confirm the recorder you're using and whether or not you're running analog-out of the UA5?  Knowing the answer to the question will help us help you troubleshoot what happened.  Also, a screenshot of the waveform, both zoomed in quite far, as well as standard view, might help some people provide feedback.
Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: skotdee on July 09, 2010, 09:09:13 AM
Regardless of recorder used, you want that peak light to just flicker, definitely not stay lit...
Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: DMBprez on July 09, 2010, 12:45:17 PM
So I turned the Sensitivity knobs up tonight, and lowered the output volume

This suggests you're running analog-out of the UA5 and analog-in to a recorder.

If you're running digital-out of the UA5, there are 3 opportunities for overloading:

  • mics
  • UA5 analog inputs
  • UA5 ADC

If you're running analog-out of the UA5, the opportunities for overload include the three above plus:

  • recorder analog inputs
  • recorder ADC

Can you confirm the recorder you're using and whether or not you're running analog-out of the UA5?  Knowing the answer to the question will help us help you troubleshoot what happened.  Also, a screenshot of the waveform, both zoomed in quite far, as well as standard view, might help some people provide feedback.

iRiver 300.
Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: SmokinJoe on July 09, 2010, 04:33:16 PM
Yes, just have it flicker once in a while.

I assume the H300 has rockbox?  Set the AGC to "safety clip", and set the gain on the H300 to about +5.

Then adjust the headphone knob to get a nice signal on the iRiver.  Once you have that headphone knob nicely adjusted, put a piece of tape over it and leave it alone.

From then on, get in the habit of leaving the headphone knob alone, setting the iRiver gain to +5, and then use the UA-5 individual gains to make the H300 happy, which should be at that point where the light flickers occasionally.

If the H300 sees a little hot spot, it may automagically turn down the gain a notch.  If the gain drops below zero you are running too hot into the H300 and you may start to get serious distortion.
Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: DMBprez on July 09, 2010, 05:16:40 PM
Yes, just have it flicker once in a while.

I assume the H300 has rockbox?  Set the AGC to "safety clip", and set the gain on the H300 to about +5.

Then adjust the headphone knob to get a nice signal on the iRiver.  Once you have that headphone knob nicely adjusted, put a piece of tape over it and leave it alone.

From then on, get in the habit of leaving the headphone knob alone, setting the iRiver gain to +5, and then use the UA-5 individual gains to make the H300 happy, which should be at that point where the light flickers occasionally.

If the H300 sees a little hot spot, it may automagically turn down the gain a notch.  If the gain drops below zero you are running too hot into the H300 and you may start to get serious distortion.

Many thanks!
Title: Re: UA5 Peak Light
Post by: rowjimmytour on July 09, 2010, 06:22:35 PM
The clip light comes on at -3db...I usually run my levels a little hot and the clip light will occasionally come on but you definitely do not want it on all the time.  At least in my experience.

I always ran optical out or spdif out and never had output volume problems...don't know what to tell you about that one.
+1 same here and the SUV-1 saved my a$$ a few times. My only analog experiences were w/ live matrix and I would have to turn the one knob almost all the way down usually so I would not peak.