
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: kennedy on February 11, 2004, 01:27:45 PM

Title: D8 problems?
Post by: kennedy on February 11, 2004, 01:27:45 PM
wondering if anyone out there has had problems with their d8s eating tapes, mine has snapped two dats in the past year while switching out tapes wondering if thats something that can be fixed
or avoided, ive been unpacking the tapes before use so i know its not that im thinking its something internal any ideas
Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: Jason R on February 12, 2004, 03:39:52 PM
I'm not too sure.  Its hapened to me a couple times when it is humid out.  Maybe the tape sticks to something.  Also I had a batch of crappy Sony DATs DG60P...A few tapes out of ten would do that.  I switched to Maxells and no problems.  
Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: heath on February 12, 2004, 03:55:01 PM
the only deck of mine that has eaten a tape is the p1.  ate a few maxells.  I think Bean was there at Garage a trois when i was pulling about 30 feet of tape out of the deck during the first set....weak.  Sorry that i didn't answer your question.  Just wanted to share.

FWIW, I'd try better tape.  I have never once had any sort of problem with a fuji or hhb tape.  I've had one bad maxell (eaten) and tons of bad sonys (other problems, but none eaten).

Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: brianp on February 12, 2004, 03:57:39 PM
wondering if anyone out there has had problems with their d8s eating tapes, mine has snapped two dats in the past year while switching out tapes wondering if thats something that can be fixed
or avoided, ive been unpacking the tapes before use so i know its not that im thinking its something internal any ideas

what kind of tapes are you using? Ive had this happen on at least 2 occasions, both times using the Sony DGP with the new shells. Ive since switched to Maxell DDS and not had a problem.
Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: jhirte on February 12, 2004, 04:01:39 PM
The newer Sony's are the problem. I had the same thing happen with some of the last ones I bought. Since going to Maxell HS-4's I havent had a single problem.

My DA-P1 won't easily load the DG60P's, I have to push the tape back as I close the lid, otherwise the tape would pop out a little and not close... stupid Sony DGxxP's!! hehe

Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: heath on February 12, 2004, 04:06:22 PM
leave it to sony to make a tape that won't run in their own deck...   ???
Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: greenone on February 12, 2004, 05:02:36 PM
The only tape that's snapped IN the deck is one that I left in my car overnight in mid-November when it got down to about 15F. Any other "snapped" tapes are actually tapes that got misloaded (usually due to rushing the deck) and then broke because I pulled on them too hard.

I have noticed some of the Sony shells not snapping closed when I take them out of my D8 recently, but no chomped tapes. FWIW, I used Maxells for two or three years before switching to Sony for the last three or four and have never had a problem with either brand - strictly a price-based decision.

And Heath, Sony doesn't make the DGP's for their DAT decks... ;)
Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: heath on February 12, 2004, 05:08:15 PM

Dave--what's guster's taping policy...They are coming here in a week and a half and i was gonna go roll tape.  Is there a dedicated section, or a free for all?  Thanks.

Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: kennedy on February 12, 2004, 05:14:52 PM
thanks for the responses
im currently using DGPs, mabye ill check out a batch of maxells
Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: greenone on February 12, 2004, 05:16:27 PM
You hitting Club Laga? Nice. They're audience only, no section - not enough tapers to justify one. So I guess it's a "free for you" rather than a "free for all".

Their FOH guy, Gordon (tall Canadian dude) is a hell of a nice guy - tell him I said hi and he'll probably wonder why I'm not there (we hit Pittsburgh last June for a show at Station Square... the whole "tent over a parking lot" thing wasn't what I was expecting :P ). Usually doesn't care even if you set up right in front of him and if it's really crowded you could even go inside the barrier if there is one...ask for him or Mike (Pasty) if security hassles you.

Did you ever convert that Ben Taylor stuff, btw?
Title: Re:D8 problems?
Post by: BCostigan on February 12, 2004, 05:58:16 PM
The only time I had a tape misload in my D7 was when I came in from the cold and put a tape into my deck within about 5 minutes of being inside.

I was told that it was most likely caused by condensation from going really cold-> warm quickly (kinda like eye glasses in winter) and that it's best to let things warm up for a while before loading a tape. This allows that condensation to evaporate.

I would imagine the same can happen if it's really humid too....but I don't know what you could do in that situation.