
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: sunshinedavedream on February 12, 2013, 10:47:23 PM

Title: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: sunshinedavedream on February 12, 2013, 10:47:23 PM
Going through some DAT boards I made in the early 90s that need transferring. I used to have a spdif hooked into my old computer sound card but, alas, that machine is gone. I'm wondering about the wisdom of going analog out of my DAT player and into my Korg MR1000 at the 1 bit resolution. Sure, I don't keep my original 1s and 0s, but I can't imagine I'll notice much if any drop in quality at that sample/bit rate...anyone else ever try this? The DATs are recorded pretty hot and this will also allow me to lower the levels instead of doing that on my DAW. TIA, Dave
Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: John Willett on February 13, 2013, 03:34:37 AM
It depends on how important the recordings are.

Personally I would keep it digital if at all possible; rather than going through a DAC + analogue circuitry + an ADC to get it back to digital again.
Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: H₂O on February 13, 2013, 06:13:20 PM
I also would keep it in the digital realm

But I am a purest in that I prefer to have recordings in there original format in the digital realm (I.e. I have stopped circulating or master recordings at 16/44 unless they where originally done in that fashion, etc)
Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: ellaguru on February 13, 2013, 07:43:07 PM
replies #1+#2 are spot on.  if they are masters and you are having issues getting them archived then id wager there are a few kind souls here on the board that could help you.

another option would be getting a microtracker or a 16bit recorder with a digi in. dump to computer then sell that gear once the archiving is done.

id volunteer myself to help with any transfers, but i currently have 3 guys who's collections im helping archive in my queue already.  one has been taping since '76.

Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: twatts (pants are so over-rated...) on February 13, 2013, 11:01:04 PM
I don't think it much matter if you go D>A>D...  But for my own sake, I'd rather do it Bit Perfect the first time and not feel like "I have to do it over again" later in the future...

Normally, I'd jump at the opportunity to help, but I've got too many on my plate now as it is... 

Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: noahbickart on February 14, 2013, 12:30:14 AM
There are a few 16bit solid state recorders in the yard sale at the moment. I suspect that if you bought a Marantz 660 for $300, you would be able to sell it for at least $250. $50 strikes me as more than worth it to do bit perfect transfers.

I also agree that in this day and age in which no one listens to a red book cd anymore, transfer and seed at the sample rate on the DAT.

I don't understand why people reample from 48>44.1
Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: DiggerinVA on February 14, 2013, 09:07:29 AM
I agree with the concept of cloning vs D-A-D. Each converter has it's own quality or sound and the fewer changes the better. But make a copy and check it out. Though you would probably like what ever device has the better outputs.

Note the 660 does not have a digi in (at least mine does not) though there were some 670's in the yard sale at one time (though one did not play well with a DAT, if my memory serves me correctly). A 16bit deck with a Digi in would be ideal.

Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: todd e on February 14, 2013, 11:05:41 AM
out of the blue, i'm more than happy to help with a transfer of DATs > FLAC

plus it would be an attrocity to leave the digital world, you picked DAT for a reason ;-)

email me titotito at gmail dot com

i'll do a box of 10 to start, pay it forward to the next person needing help.
Title: Re: DAT Transfer feedback
Post by: sunshinedavedream on February 14, 2013, 10:22:08 PM
thanks all...i think i am just going to keep these in the 16 bit realm and locate a 16 bit recorder with a spdif input. i have so many DATS that need to be transferred i might as well grab one, do it, and dump it...lol...this after transferring some 800 DATS almost a decade ago!