
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: phishmarisol on March 29, 2004, 02:10:49 AM

Title: Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: phishmarisol on March 29, 2004, 02:10:49 AM
I have read up about system requirements and I know I have that stuff fine.  But I have no idea what a sound card even really is and if I would need one other than what came in my computer.  Also, all my taping is SBD > Recording unit.  What kind of cable would I use?  Right now I am using a JB3 with an analog cable and I would prefer to be able to use a $10 cable with the laptop instead of a $150 cable!  Just thinking about this as an option and all responses are appreciated.
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: BJ on March 29, 2004, 10:34:57 AM
I believe you will need some sort of A/D convertor b/w the SBD and the laptop.  I do not know of anyway to run straight into the laptop.  UA5 is def a cheap way to go, I saw one in the yard sale for 200 shipped, with DIY digimod(to allow for JB3 simult.).And then you go from UA5 to laptop via usb.  There may be other cheaper A/D's for laptop, Im not sure of their prices tho.
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: mirth on March 29, 2004, 11:19:34 AM
If you're always getting a board feed then there's no reason why you couldn't get a VXPocket & use the XLR ins from the board. Just be sure the sbd doesn't send you phantom or you shall suffer the BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! factor.
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: phishmarisol on March 29, 2004, 03:55:45 PM
Just be sure the sbd doesn't send you phantom or you shall suffer the BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! factor.

Thanks, but I have no idea what this means.
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: jpschust on March 29, 2004, 04:48:32 PM
well if the sbd sends you phantom (which it wont because you are going out of the tape outs normally) you will fry the card and possibly your computer, hence the boom factor.
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: mirth on March 29, 2004, 05:05:22 PM
Thanks for that cover, Jonny.
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: todd e on March 30, 2004, 09:04:39 AM
a suggestion, google digigram vxpocket v2.  it is a soundcard that is compatable with most laptops.  then read everything about the soundcard.  that should help you get that much closer to taping in the field with your laptop.  it is VERY possible and if you have SBD access, power shouldn't be that hard to get.  good luck and +T
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: Sean Gallemore on March 30, 2004, 06:51:34 PM
don't forget the Echo Indigo
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: Simp-Dawg on March 31, 2004, 11:56:33 AM
does the indigo have inputs?  i'm not sure it does.
ok, if you're only taping from the soundboard, just get a device that has an a/d converter in it, you do not need mic pres.  the vxpocket will work but still the a/d is being performed by the card which is inserted into the laptop, and is not ideal because of the interference that can be introduced by the surrounding electronics.  also, on the same thought process here, do not use the inputs on your laptop, the a/d will be crap.   you want an external device to do your a/d conversion for you.
the ua-5 is a good option, you can also try an egosys u24 (or u2a if you can find it used) or the emagic devices, they used to be called 2|6 and 6|2 but the names are slightly different now.  all of these connect via usb and have analog inputs and do the a/d conversion outside of your laptop.  the quality of the a/d may not be the best but it will be better than whatever soundcard is inherent in your laptop.  these devices typically run under the $200 mark.
Title: Re:Can I tape with my laptop?
Post by: Sean Gallemore on March 31, 2004, 04:20:24 PM
the Indigo IO has an 1/8" stereo input, but like simp says you proabbly want an outboard a/d