
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: Cobiwan on April 25, 2014, 02:01:01 AM

Title: KC5 or nBob Actives?
Post by: Cobiwan on April 25, 2014, 02:01:01 AM
So.... I'm wanting to go active and I'm torn over buying new KC5s or nBob actives. The $ I could save could buy me a tinybox, which is another wishlist item. Without starting shit, anyone have thoughts on which direction I should go? KCY is also an option (if I get a tinybox first). I like dnsacks set up a lot. Would like to be able to run 2 rigs at once (after I get a 2nd set of capsules, of course). Would also like the ability to have both rigs be somewhat interchangeable.
Again, I'm thinking that cables + tinybox is a better option.

Thanks for your input! I'm just torn over what way to go and am looking for some guidance.
Title: Re: KC5 or nBob Actives?
Post by: schoepsnbox on April 25, 2014, 01:17:40 PM
FWIW  I could build you kc5 style cables using our custom capsule ends and genuine schoeps parts for the body ends including the mini xlr for pfa or tinybox attachment.
PM me for further details.

Title: Re: KC5 or nBob Actives?
Post by: dnsacks on April 28, 2014, 01:31:08 PM
Personally, I would go with the nBob Actives into a tinybox and then keep an eye out for a used pair of kc5s if you're not completely enamored with how the nbob active>tiny box sound compares to the schoeps caps>bodies sound.  That way, you'd have the potential to run an active solution for both of the rigs you're contemplating.

Title: Re: KC5 or nBob Actives?
Post by: adrianf74 on April 28, 2014, 03:14:08 PM
Personally, I would go with the nBob Actives into a tinybox and then keep an eye out for a used pair of kc5s if you're not completely enamored with how the nbob active>tiny box sound compares to the schoeps caps>bodies sound.  That way, you'd have the potential to run an active solution for both of the rigs you're contemplating.

I think dnsacks said it best (as you liked his setup).  :)

I think the nBob actives > TinyBox road is pretty well proven as many people are doing it.  Then it's a question of whether you want Output Transformers or not.  And then, regarding KC5's, that's a whole other ball of wax -- if you were primarily running open, I'd say that might make some more sense  but if you're planning to use them in different situations, 6' nBob's with an extension might be the better route.

I'm sure that cleared things up a little.  ;D
Title: Re: KC5 or nBob Actives?
Post by: it-goes-to-eleven on April 29, 2014, 10:15:20 AM
The smallest active setup for Schoeps is the genuine product from Schoeps.

You can order any part from Posthorn, or the US distributor, and it can be serviced with common tools. Schoeps has been listing all of the parts on their price list, including a blown-apart drawing showing all of them, for years. You can buy any or all of the parts. They'll likely do that forever. If a cable gets ripped out, it's likely just a $20 part. I've never had that happen - it's a very stout part. But I have spares on hand, so I can fix them anytime without missing a show.

Last time I looked at the price list, the capsule end parts were $317 per channel. You would just need to add cable to that. That is not trivial, but it ain't rocket science.