
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: George on May 06, 2004, 08:01:56 PM

Title: Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: George on May 06, 2004, 08:01:56 PM
Darn it, i noticed it last time when i taped Neil Young and didn't think much of it since that tape came out like crud, but last night i taped Nelly Furtado and there it is, some split second skips throughout the recording...so, i did clean the unit last time with a dry tape and it's still doing it.  I imagine i gotta send this sucker in for servixing   :P

So, what's the best place to go to?   :-[
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: Sean Gallemore on May 06, 2004, 11:30:47 PM
Paul at pro digital has nothing but high praise 'round here

hopefully someone can chime in with an addy
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: goose on May 07, 2004, 05:44:10 AM
" score one for the secret cervix"

wwww.prodigitalinc.com for Paul at pro digital
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: George on May 07, 2004, 08:27:00 AM
Thanks guys.  A quick update, last night i whipped out the dat master and listened to it straight on the M1, no skips.  Tried the DA20, no skips...so it;'s gotta be the transfer, soundcard software may not be setup correctly.  I have a Echo Mia, i think it might be the fact that i switched from wmd (sp?) to purewave, i'll switch and re-do the transfer and see what happens, thanks for the posts guys, i'll make sure to keep the pro dig link.  

+t goose for the quote  :)
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: greenone on May 07, 2004, 09:16:33 AM
Sounds like a buffer issue - if the buffer gets overloaded, the data stream can't be written to disc fast enough, and stuff just gets skipped over. Might also want to check and make sure your hard drive isn't too full or fragmented. Good luck!
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: nickgregory on May 07, 2004, 09:41:29 AM
the other thing you may want to try, I had this problem before when I tried to do something else on my computer while transferring, the computer couldnt keep up and it dropped spots...probably a normal problem for the slower computers like I have
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: greenone on May 07, 2004, 11:12:05 AM
Good point, Nick...always a good idea to kill any other processes going on on your computer while you're transferring (anything in the system tray, antivirus, etc.), especially if you have an older machine.
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: George on May 07, 2004, 12:12:23 PM
I was using aol im and surfing the net while i started the transfer, i actually have a pretty zippy pc:

Intel 2.4Ghz with hyper threading with a abit mobo (IC7-G i believe)
1.5GB pc3200 kingston memory
2x120GB SATA Seagate 7200rpm HD's

and all the other fancy stuff (ati 9700 pro videocard).  I do have mcafee antivirus/firwall installed and running for the last 2 months or so, so i'll try shutting that off while doing the transfer and shutdown any other programs that may be interferring with useless crap, like aol im.  My HD"s were defragged a week ago and both are about 50% full.  Thanks for the tips guys, it's always good to know these things when doing a transfer.  :)

Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: greenone on May 07, 2004, 12:20:28 PM
I'd say that qualifies as zippy. :) In truth, running other programs hasn't been a problem for me since I added 500MB of RAM a while back, but I almost never transfer stuff while I'm actually at the computer anyway - just get home from a show, pop the DAT in, set the recording timer for 3 hours (or whatever) and hit the hay...
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: RastaFish on May 07, 2004, 01:49:08 PM
just get home from a show, pop the DAT in, set the recording timer for 3 hours (or whatever) and hit the hay...

Yup, my strategy exactly!  When you're in bed you are unlikely to be tempted to use the cpu for other things while transferring.   Plus, as an added benefit, I can usually burn a quick CDR or two for the car on my way to work the next morning.
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: F.O.Bean on May 08, 2004, 03:21:36 AM
just get home from a show, pop the DAT in, set the recording timer for 3 hours (or whatever) and hit the hay...

Yup, my strategy exactly!  When you're in bed you are unlikely to be tempted to use the cpu for other things while transferring.   Plus, as an added benefit, I can usually burn a quick CDR or two for the car on my way to work the next morning.

only problem w/ that is you didnt monitor the transfer

ive had planty of things happen in transfers, and you might never know till you pop it in one day ;)
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: greenone on May 08, 2004, 11:36:31 AM
Oh, I always listen through my shows at LEAST once before I seed them out - it's just nice to use the dead time when you're sleeping for transfers. :)
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: F.O.Bean on May 08, 2004, 03:20:20 PM
Oh, I always listen through my shows at LEAST once before I seed them out - it's just nice to use the dead time when you're sleeping for transfers. :)

no doubt dave, at least on my end, if i dont monitor while transferring, i prolly wont do it as i should ;)
Title: Re:Skipping on my M1: oh oh
Post by: George on May 09, 2004, 03:37:25 PM
Just a quick update, i quadrupled the buffer in the console3 program for my soundcard and tried the transfer again, no issues this time  :)

Thanks to everyone for the help!